Wednesday, February 01, 2023

2022 Nov 5 Sat Wesley Church Christmas Celebration with the Orang Asli Children Ministry

Merry Christmas: A Time for Joy, Love, and Reflection

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are filled with excitement and anticipation. Christmas is a time of year that is steeped in tradition and holds a special place in the hearts of people all over the world. Whether we celebrate with religious fervor or simply enjoy the festive spirit, Christmas has come to represent a time of joy, love, and reflection.

For Christians, Christmas is a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and to celebrate the gift of salvation that He brought into the world. Christians gather with family and friends to attend church services, sing carols, and exchange gifts. For many, the holiday is also a time of reflection, a chance to think about the past year and to make plans for the future.

For those who do not celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, the holiday is still a time of great joy and excitement. Children eagerly anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus and the piles of presents that he brings. Adults enjoy time off from work and the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. Many families come together to share meals and make memories that will last a lifetime.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, it is important to remember the true meaning of Christmas. The holiday is not just about buying gifts or decorating a tree. It is about spending time with the people we love, spreading joy and kindness, and making the world a better place. Whether you celebrate Christmas for religious or secular reasons, the holiday is a time to reach out to those who are less fortunate, to lend a helping hand, and to bring a little bit of light into the world.

Christmas is indeed a time of year that holds special significance for people all over the world. Whether we celebrate with religious fervor or simply enjoy the festive spirit, the holiday is a time of joy, love, and reflection. So, as the holiday season approaches, let us embrace the true meaning of Christmas, spread love and kindness wherever we go, and make the world a better place. Merry Christmas to all  ..!

Merry Christmas, Joy to the World

Merry, merry Christmas, with joy to the world,

We celebrate this day, with peace and good will.

With carols and laughter, and love all around,

The holiday spirit, can truly astound.

From near and from far, people come together,

To spread joy and cheer, now and forever.

With family and friends, we share good food and cheer,

And reflect on the blessings, that this season brings near.

Joy to the world, the Savior has come,

Bringing peace and love, to everyone.

With hearts full of hope, and souls filled with light,

We celebrate this day, with all our might.

So here's to the season, and all that it brings,

To laughter and love, and sweet, joyful things.

Merry, merry Christmas, to one and to all,

Let the holiday spirit, be our call.

Christmas Celebration with the Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry: A Heartwarming Experience

The month of December,  is the holiday season; is a time of joy and celebration, and for the Wesley Church, it is a time to give back to the community, especially for the Orang Asli Children Ministry. Each year, the church holds a Christmas celebration for the Orang Asli children, an indigenous people of Malaysia. The celebration is a heartwarming experience that brings together people of different cultures and backgrounds, and is a testament to the power of love and generosity.

The celebration begins with a prayer by our Rev. Teoh Lee Ying, where members of the Orang Asli Children community come together to sing carols, pray, and hear a message of hope and peace. After the service, the festivities move in the hall, where there is games, Christmas card drawings and activities for the children. The children are especially excited, as they receive gifts and treats from the church and foster parents.

The Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry is dedicated to serving the needs of the Orang Asli community. The ministry provides education, health care, and other support services, and works to improve the lives of the people they serve. The Christmas celebration is a way for the ministry to show their love and appreciation for the Orang Asli, and to bring the community together for a day of joy and celebration.

For those who attend the celebration, the experience is truly unforgettable. The love and kindness that is displayed is a testament to the power of Christmas, and the generosity of the Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry. The celebration brings people together, and provides a sense of community and belonging. It is a reminder of what the holiday season is truly about: spreading love, kindness, and hope to those in need.

This Christmas celebration with the Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry is indeed a heartwarming experience that fosters and brings together people of different cultures and backgrounds. The celebration is a testament to the power of love and generosity, and is a reminder of the meaning of Christmas and what the holiday season is truly about. The ministry's dedication to serving the needs of the Orang Asli community is an inspiration to us all, and we can all learn a lesson from their unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

Programme for Christmas Activity at OA hostel on Saturday, 5 Nov 2022

DG representatives may gather at the church at 8.50am and car pool to the OA hostel, or go directly to the OA hostel.

9.00am Briefing DG representatives by Joon and Grace

9.15am Interaction between DG members and the OA children they are praying for. The children will be seated according to DG groups, together with the respective DG members. The children will be given empty Christmas cards. They will write the name of the DG member praying for them and decorate the card. DG members will assist the children.

10.00am Sing praises by Pastor Aaron Liu

10.15am Message and prayer by Pastor Teoh Lee Ying

10.30am Present Christmas gifts to the children by DG representatives

11.00am Refreshments/End

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year !

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

2022 Sep 18 A Visit to the Emmanuel LifeSpring Centre, Tanjung Kling, Melaka.


 Last 18th Sep after church, I visited the Emmanuel LifeSpring Centre, it reminded me that life is impermanent and short. This realization often leads me to appreciate the time I have, and to make the most of each moment. It also encourages me to show kindness and compassion to others, especially those who are aging and facing challenges. At the end of the day, it's a reminder that life is precious, and that we should cherish the relationships we have with our loved ones and make the most of every day. Growing old is a part and parcel of life. 

The impermanence of life refers to the fact that everything is constantly changing and nothing stays the same forever. This includes our own lives, as well as the world around us. Recognizing the impermanence of life can lead to a greater appreciation of the present moment, and a desire to make the most of each day. It can also bring a sense of urgency to pursue one's goals and live a fulfilling life. In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, wealth and power, we are not to be consumed with wealth and power but rather, we are to focus on finding peace and tranquility in our lives, thus at the end, everything may just worth nothing and meaningless, "chasing after the wind", as expressed by King Solomon, in Ecclesiates 4:6.

However, it can also bring feelings of sadness and fear, especially when thinking about the inevitability of death. Every journey will come to an end in due time. I felt some what sad and hopeless as nothing much could I do to turn the clock around. 


Old age, a time of life, that some may fear and mourn,
But it can also bring wisdom, and a peace that’s well-worn,
   It’s a time to reflect, on all that we’ve lived through,
 And cherish the memories, that have brought us to this view.
The wrinkles on our faces, tell the stories of our lives,
Of laughter, love, and loss, and all the joys and strife,
And though our hair may be gray, and our steps may be slow,
Our hearts still beat with purpose, and our minds still glow.

Old age is a reminder, that life is but a fleeting thing,
    A time to live with purpose, and to spread our wings,
    For though our bodies may tire, our spirits will always soar,
    And touch the lives of those around us, forever more.

    It’s a time to share our love, and the wisdom we’ve acquired,
     And to make the most of every moment, that we’re inspired,
    For life is like a book, and old age its final chapter,
    And we have the power, to make it our greatest capture.


Let bygone be bygone, let it all just fade,
      No need to hold onto memories that make us afraid,
    The past is a lesson, a story we've learned,
 It's time to move forward, no longer to yearn.

We've been through the storm, and we've made it through the night,
It's time to embrace the dawn, and see the morning light,
We can't change what happened, no matter how much we try,
It's time to let go, and to spread our wings and fly.

So let bygone be bygone, and focus on today,
Live in the moment, in every single way,
Embrace the challenges, and cherish every joy,
Forget about the past, and let peace be your employ. 

Life is a journey, with twists and turns ahead,
Let bygone be bygone, and move forward instead,
Take all the lessons, and use them as you go,
And remember, the future is yours, and it's waiting to grow.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'
(2 Corinthians 12:9)

My grace is sufficient for you,
In every moment, this is true,
When doubts and fears surround your heart,
My love will never, ever part.

In times of weakness, I am strong,
And lift you up where you belong.
My grace is there, a gentle hand,
To lead you through, a steadfast stand.

With every trial, every pain,
My grace will always remain,
And as you trust in Me each day,
You'll see that it's more than enough, I say.

So take heart, dear child, have no fear,
My grace is always with you here,
And when you stumble, when you fall,
My grace will catch you, lift you tall.

So rest in Me, in My great love,
And know that from above,
My grace is yours, a gift divine,
Sufficient for you, all the time.

2 Corinthians 12:9 is a verse from the New Testament of the Bible, which reads: "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."

In this verse, Paul, the author of 2 Corinthians, is speaking about a mystical experience he had in which he was given a "thorn in the flesh." He asked God to remove it three times, but God replied that His grace was sufficient and that His power would be made perfect in Paul's weakness.

The verse is often interpreted as a reminder that God's strength and power are made evident in our weaknesses and limitations. It encourages us to lean on God's grace and to trust in His power, even when we are facing difficult challenges or obstacles in our lives. The verse also highlights the importance of humility and recognizing our own limitations, so that we can rely on God's strength and power to carry us through.

Ecclesiastes 4:6 "Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind": is a verse from the Bible, specifically from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament. This verse is often interpreted as a commentary on the meaning of life and the pursuit of wealth and power. The verse suggests that it is better to have one handful of possessions, accompanied by peace and contentment, than to have two handfuls of possessions obtained through hard work and effort, which may ultimately be meaningless and unsatisfying. The "chasing after the wind" refers to the idea that these pursuits are ultimately futile, as they cannot bring true satisfaction or fulfillment. The verse encourages us to find contentment in what we have and to not become consumed by the pursuit of wealth and power. Instead, it suggests that we should focus on finding peace and tranquility in our lives.

2022 Oct 24 Sky Mirror Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


Sky Mirror, Kuala Selangor Trip:A Reflection of Natural Beauty

The Sky Mirror is one of Malaysia’s most unique and captivating natural wonders, located at the coastal of Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia. A trip to this natural phenomenon is a must for anyone visiting the region, as it offers a breathtaking experience that is truly one of a kind.

The Sky Mirror, also known as the “Mirror of Heaven, is a shallow tidal mudflat that reflects the sky and surrounding landscape, creating a mesmerizing and ever-changing tableau of light, color, and form. At low tide, the mudflat is exposed, allowing visitors to walk out to the center and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding area.

The best time to visit the Sky Mirror is during the low tide, typically in the early morning or late afternoon, when the mudflat is exposed and the sun is shining. Visitors can walk out to the center of the mudflat and take in the stunning views of the surrounding mangrove forests, fishing villages, and distant hills. The still waters of the mudflat perfectly reflect the sky, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere that is truly mesmerizing.

In addition to the stunning views, the Sky Mirror is also an important habitat for a variety of wildlife, including migratory birds, mudskippers, and crabs. Visitors can explore the area on foot, taking in the sights and sounds of the diverse and thriving ecosystem.

The Sky Mirror is easily accessible from Kuala Selangor, and can be reached by car or boat. Visitors can also opt to take a guided tour, which will give them the opportunity to learn about the history, culture, and environment of the area, as well as the best ways to explore the Sky Mirror.

This very 
trip to the Sky Mirror in Kuala Selangor is a must for anyone visiting the region. This unique and captivating natural wonder offers visitors a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is truly unforgettable. 

How does this Sky Mirror happen?

The Sky Mirror in Kuala Selangor is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to a combination of factors. The shallow tidal mudflat reflects the sky and surrounding landscape due to the smooth and flat surface of the mud, as well as the still waters. The mudflat is exposed during low tide, allowing light to reflect off the surface and create a mirror-like effect.
The mudflat is formed by sediment deposits carried by the tidal flow of the nearby Selangor River. The mud is rich in minerals and organic matter, which creates a unique and diverse ecosystem that supports a wide range of wildlife, including migratory birds, mudskippers, and crabs.

The sky mirror effect is also influenced by the weather and lighting conditions. On clear days, the sun creates a vibrant and shimmering reflection, while on overcast days, the reflection is softer and more muted. During the golden hour, when the sun is low in the sky, the sky mirror takes on a warm and golden glow, making it an ideal time to visit.

Overall, the Sky Mirror in Kuala Selangor is a natural marvel that offers visitors a breathtaking and ever-changing panorama of light, color, and form. Whether you are a nature lover, an adventurer, or simply someone looking for a peaceful escape, a visit to the Sky Mirror is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Melaka Group
from left to right: Sherry, Angie, Christine, Mary, Kwee Chau, Lay Huang

Finally, our trip ended with a free and easy evening and dinner at the Kuala Selangor jetty. We decided to  have our dinner at Tian Wai Tian Restaurant. 

In the sky, a mirror shines

Reflecting beauty, peace divine

Clouds pass by, a fleeting show

Ever-changing, soft and slow


The sun rises, a golden light

Brings a glow to every sight

As day breaks and shadows flee

The sky mirror shines for all to see


Come nightfall, stars come out

Dancing, twinkling, all about

Moonlight streams, a silver tide

A serene scene, easy on the eye


Oh sky mirror, so vast and wide

A canvas for nature's art to reside

A window to the heavens above

A symbol of enduring love.


Saturday, January 21, 2023

Thursday, 25th Aug 2022 Wesley Melaka : Charity Never Fails - Feed the Poor Mission

Charity never fails, a truth we must embrace

For in giving, we find love and grace

A helping hand to lift the poor

A shining light to open a closed door


It starts with a small act of kindness

A smile, a word, a heart full of blindness

It grows into a river of hope

Flowing to the ends of the earth, helping people cope


A roof over the head of the homeless

A meal for the hungry, a feeling of worthiness

A school for the children, a chance to learn

A future for the ones, whose future is uncertain


It's the love that we give, that makes the world spin

Charity never fails, it's a love that always wins

It touches the heart, and opens the mind

It's the love that we give, that's truly divine.


Charity never fails, for it's a seed we plant

That grows into a tree of hope, strong and grand

It's the love that we give, that makes the world a better place

Charity never fails, it's a love that we all must embrace.

Charity, the act of giving to those in need, is often seen as a selfless and noble endeavor. The act of giving, whether it be in the form of money, time, or resources, can have a profound impact on the lives of those who receive it. The phrase "charity never fails" highlights the idea that no matter the situation, giving to others can always make a difference.  

One of the most significant benefits of charity is that it helps to alleviate poverty and provide basic necessities for those who are struggling. This can include food, clothing, and shelter, as well as access to education and healthcare. By giving to those in need, we are able to help improve their overall quality of life and give them the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty.  

One of the most significant benefits of charity is that it helps to alleviate poverty and provide basic necessities for those who are struggling. This can include food, clothing, and shelter, as well as access to education and healthcare. By giving to those in need, we are able to help improve their overall quality of life and give them the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty.  

In addition to providing for basic needs, charity can also help to promote community development and empowerment. By supporting local organizations and initiatives, we can help to build stronger and more resilient communities. This can include investing in education and training programs, supporting small businesses, and promoting sustainable development.  

Charity also has a positive impact on the giver as well. Studies have shown that giving to others can lead to increased feelings of happiness and fulfillment. It can be a powerful way to connect with others, build relationships, and make a positive impact on the world around us.  

It is important to note that charity should be done in a responsible and sustainable way. It is not enough to simply give money or resources without also addressing the underlying issues that lead to poverty and inequality. Charitable giving should be done in such a way that it empowers people to become self-sufficient and self-reliant.  

Lastly, Charity Never Fails because it can make a positive impact on the lives of both the giver and the receiver. It can help to alleviate poverty, promote community development, and bring a sense of fulfillment to those who give. It is important to remember that responsible and sustainable charitable giving is key to making a lasting impact on the world.  

July 30 3D Illusion Museum Amazing Experience

A visit to the 3D Illusion Museum Melaka

What is illusion? 

 An illusion is a false perception or misinterpretation of a real sensation. It can refer to visual, auditory, or other   sensory experiences that are not based on reality. Illusions can be caused by a   variety of factors, such as visual perception, cognitive biases, or physical conditions. They can be intentional, as in the case of magic tricks or optical illusions, or unintentional, as in the case of hallucinations or certain types of brain damage. Illusions can also be used in art and design to create interesting or striking effects. Overall, an illusion is an experience that is not congruent with the physical reality, and it is created by the mind's interpretation of the information it receives.

Type of Illusions and examples

There are several types of illusions, including:

Optical illusions: These are images or patterns that trick the brain into perceiving something that isn't actually there. Examples include the famous "impossible triangle" and the "Rabbit-Duck" illusion.

Auditory illusions: These are sounds that trick the brain into hearing something that isn't actually there. Examples include the "Shepard tone" and the "McGurk effect."

Tactile illusions: These are illusions that involve touch, such as the "Mirror Box" illusion used in phantom limb therapy.

Cognitive illusions: These are illusions that involve the brain's interpretation of information, rather than the senses themselves. Examples include the "Forer effect" and the "Barnum effect."

Perceptual Illusions: These are illusions that play with the brain's perception of the environment. Examples include the "Cafe wall illusion" and the "Muller-Lyer illusion."

Practical illusions refer to illusions that have real-world applications or uses. Here are a few examples:

Magic tricks: Magicians use a variety of illusions to entertain audiences, such as making objects disappear, levitation, and mind-reading.

Special effects in movies: Special effects artists use a variety of techniques to create the illusion of reality in movies, such as computer-generated imagery (CGI), animation, and practical effects.

Virtual reality: Virtual reality technology creates the illusion of being in a different place or environment, and is used in video games, training simulations, and therapy.

Optical camouflage: Researchers are developing optical camouflage technology that can make objects invisible by bending light around them, creating the illusion that they are not there.

Invisibility cloaks: Researchers are developing invisibility cloaks using metamaterials, which can bend light around an object, creating the illusion that the object is not there.

Augmented Reality: It's a technology that enhances the real-world environment with virtual objects, it's used in many fields such as education, entertainment, military, and industry.

Illusions in design and architecture: Architects and designers use optical illusions to create a sense of depth, movement, or other effects in buildings and other structures.

It's worth noting that these illusions can be used for both entertainment and practical purposes, and can have a significant impact on many fields.

Illusion, a trick of the mind A deception we often find

A mirage in the desert heat A thing that is not what it seems to be

A dream that we hold dear A hope that we hold near A love that we can't touch A life that we can't clutch

A castle in the air A rainbow without a care A treasure that's not there A beauty that's beyond compare

But illusions fade away And reality comes to stay For nothing is as it seems In this world of broken dreams

So let us see the truth And break the chains of youth For in the end, it's only love That rises above all e


Friday, January 20, 2023

July 24 Unique Coastal Wetland Ecosystem - Pulau Melaka Mangrove Swamp : A need for care for our natural treasure

8.30am Today the weather is great and sunny but a bit cloudy and no rain. Such a cooling weather indeed is a great time for some outdoor activities such as fishing and walking. We have decided to visit the Pulau Melaka Mangrove swamp to learn more about our coastal wetland ecosystem and simple fishing technique from our guru Mr. Wang Chin. 

Mangrove swamps, oh Mangrove swamps,
A labyrinth of twisted roots,
A sanctuary for life,
A balance to compute.
A place where land and sea,
Meet in a delicate dance,
A nursery for the young,
A sanctuary for the chance.

The tides ebb and flow,
A rhythm all its own,
A symphony of nature,
A cycle to be shown.

Mangrove swamps, oh Mangrove swamps,
A haven for the rare,
A stronghold against the storms,
A refuge for repair.

A treasure trove of biodiversity,
A precious ecosystem,
Mangrove swamps, Mangrove swamps,
A gift to cherish and keep them.

What is a Mangrove Swamp? 

A mangrove swamp is a type of coastal wetland ecosystem that is characterized by its dominant vegetation of mangrove trees. Mangrove swamps are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions along coastlines, estuaries, and river deltas. They are typically found in areas where there is a high level of saltwater intrusion and where the water is frequently tidal.
Mangrove trees are well adapted to survive in these harsh conditions, they have developed unique characteristics such as prop roots, aerial roots, and pneumatophores that help them to survive in salty, oxygen-poor soils. These trees also play a crucial role in protecting coastlines from erosion and storm surges.

Mangrove swamps are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. Many species of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks breed, feed and shelter in mangrove swamps. Birds, reptiles, and mammals also rely on mangrove swamps for food and shelter.
Mangrove swamps also play an important role in global carbon cycling, they store large amounts of carbon in their biomass, and in the soils beneath them. They also help to filter pollutants and excess nutrients from the surrounding waters, making them an important part of the coastal ecosystem.
However, mangrove swamps are facing a number of threats such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. It is important that we take action to conserve and protect these valuable ecosystems.

Mangrove Swamp Fishing 

Caught a small fish but then we let it go
Mangrove swamps are an important source of fish and other seafood for many coastal communities around the world. The mangrove ecosystem provides a rich habitat for a variety of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, which are an important source of food and income for many local people.
Fishing in mangrove swamps is typically done using small boats or canoes, with nets, traps, and lines being the most common fishing gear. The most popular species caught in mangrove swamps include shrimp, crab, and fish such as snapper and mullet.
Mangrove swamps are also an important nursery ground for many species of fish. The dense roots of the mangrove trees provide a safe haven for juvenile fish and crustaceans, which are protected from predators and have ample food resources.
However, overfishing and destructive fishing practices can have a negative impact on the mangrove ecosystem and the communities that depend on it. In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of mangrove swamp fishing, it is important to implement responsible fishing practices and to manage the resource through regulations and enforcement.
Additionally, the development of alternative livelihoods such as ecotourism and aquaculture can provide a sustainable source of income for the local communities, reducing the pressure on the mangrove ecosystem.
Mangrove swamps are an important source of fish and other seafood for many coastal communities around the world. However, it is important to manage the resource sustainably to ensure the long-term survival of the mangrove ecosystem and the communities that depend on it.

Pulau Melaka Mangrove Swamp Uniqueness : The need to create awareness on the conservation of this unique ecosystem of the mangrove swamp.

The Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp is a unique and ecologically important ecosystem located in the state of Melaka, Malaysia. The swamp is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, including the endangered Malayan Tiger and the critically endangered Malayan Tapir. However, the swamp is facing a number of threats that threaten its survival and the survival of the species that depend on it. It is crucial that we take steps to conserve this valuable ecosystem.

One of the main threats facing the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp is habitat destruction. The swamp is being cleared to make way for development and agriculture, which is reducing the area of suitable habitat for the species that depend on it. Additionally, the swamp is being drained and filled to make way for the construction of roads, buildings and other infrastructure. This not only destroys the habitat but also disrupts the flow of water and sediment, which is essential for the health of the mangrove ecosystem.

Another major threat to the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp is pollution. The swamp is heavily impacted by industrial pollution, agricultural runoff, and sewage. These pollutants are not only harmful to the mangroves and the animals that live in the swamp, but also to the people who depend on the swamp for their livelihoods.
Climate change also poses a significant threat to the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp. Rising sea levels, increased frequency and intensity of storms, and changes in rainfall patterns are all affecting the mangrove ecosystem. These changes are making it harder for the mangroves to survive and are also putting pressure on the species that depend on the mangroves for food and shelter.
To conserve the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp, we must take action on multiple fronts. One important step is to protect and restore the remaining mangrove habitats. This can be done by creating protected areas, restoring degraded habitats, and implementing best management practices in the surrounding areas.
Another important step is to reduce pollution and other human activities that are harmful to the swamp. This can be done by enforcing existing regulations, implementing best management practices, and promoting sustainable development.

It is also important to raise awareness and educate the public about the importance of the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp and the threats it faces. This can be done through education programs, public awareness campaigns, and community engagement.

In conclusion, the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp is an important and unique ecosystem that is facing a number of threats. To conserve this valuable ecosystem and the species that depend on it, it is crucial that we take action to protect and restore the remaining habitats, reduce pollution, and raise awareness about the importance of the swamp. By working together, we can conserve the Pulau Melaka mangrove swamp for future generations.

Our short excursion ended with a short visit to Padang Temu hidden beach (not advisable to go alone as it is truly remote.and.may have some dangerous "buaya darat") and Crystal Bay and some good local cempedaks along Kampung Alai..!

 What a wonderful and fulfilling fishing experiences and delicious local fruits cempedaks.

What a wonderful and fulfilling fishing experiences and delicious local fruits cempedaks.

Cempedak, fruit of the jungle,
Sweetness on the tongue, aroma so subtle,
Flesh so thick, skin so rough,
A taste that makes one smile, a beauty that's tough.

Black on the outside, white on the inside,
A harmonious blend, a delicious ride,
In the mouth, a flavor so divine,
Refreshing the soul, illuminating the mind.

Cempedak, symbol of wealth,
From the lush green jungle, a natural wealth,
A canopy for us all, an inspiration to behold,
A reminder of beauty, in stories that are told.

Cempedak, fruit of the wild,
Holding value that's immeasurable, nature's own child,
A gift from the earth, for those who love to see,
The splendor and wonder, of what's meant to be.