Showing posts with label Clinic Jalan Gereja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clinic Jalan Gereja. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Nurturing Health for a Vibrant Community Together:

2023 World Diabetes Day Commemoration in Jonker Walk, Teo Chew Hui Kuan, Melaka. 

In commemoration of World Diabetes Day 2023, a significant Health Activities event took center stage at Jonker Walk, Teo Chew Hui Kuan, early this morning at 7.30am, Friday, 15th Dec, 2023, spearheaded by the Clinic at Jalan Gereja Melaka under the leadership of Dr. Noor Aizam bin Mohd Said. The event, designed to promote holistic health, included essential health checks, exercise sessions, and enlightening talks to raise awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare.


The day began with a thorough 3-point health check that involved the measurement of height and weight. Participants were then guided through invigorating exercises and aerobics, reinforcing the message of an active lifestyle as a foundation for well-being.

    Ready to burn fat and calories...

The insightful health talks proved to be a highlight of the event. Dr. Naz, in her presentation on "Aging Gracefully," shed light on a crucial demographic shift. By the year 2030, Malaysia is projected to become a graying country, with approximately 50% of the population falling into the elderly* group. This revelation emphasized the urgency of prioritizing health initiatives and care for our aging community.

Ms. Lee, a pharmacist, shared valuable insights on medication management, stressing the importance of proper storage and administration. The emphasis on this aspect of healthcare contributes significantly to the overall well-being of individuals, especially those dealing with chronic conditions like diabetes.

In summary, the significant changes in the 2020 Malaysian Food Pyramid focus on promoting a healthy and balanced diet. Here's an explanation, starting from the lowest or level 1, which represents the
most consumed quantity:

Level 1: Vegetables/Fruits (Base of the Pyramid)
In contrast to the 2010 Malaysian Food Pyramid, the vegetable and fruit group is now placed at the base of the pyramid, replacing carbohydrate sources such as rice, noodles, bread, grains, grain products, and tubers.
This signifies that vegetables and fruits should be consumed in larger quantities, with a recommendation of at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits daily.
Fruits and vegetables not only add flavor to meals but also serve as primary sources of essential vitamins and minerals crucial for boosting the body's ability to fight diseases.

Level 2: Carbohydrates (Second Tier)
Carbohydrate-rich foods, like rice and bread, are positioned on the second tier of the pyramid.
The 2020 Malaysian Food Pyramid suggests a lower percentage range for carbohydrate intake, specifically 50-65%, compared to the 2010 pyramid, which had a broader range of 55-75% of total daily energy intake.
The emphasis is on the intake of complex carbohydrates and high-fiber sources, such as brown rice, whole grain bread, oats, and corn, providing healthier options to meet energy requirements.

Level 3: Water Intake (Recommendation of 6-8 Glasses)
The recommendation for consuming 6-8 glasses of plain water per day is highlighted in the illustration of the 2020 Malaysian Food Pyramid.
Adequate water intake ensures the body stays hydrated, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The utilization of the 2020 Malaysian Food Pyramid is hoped to assist Malaysians in adopting a healthy diet every day. Through a clear understanding of this pyramid, individuals can maintain their health and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Public awareness of healthy eating is crucial to ensure a higher quality of life and protection against the threat of diseases.

Winner of Puzzle

        Winner of the Food Pyramid Puzzle

The event also featured an engaging activity—a puzzle-solving session on the Food Pyramid 2020. Each group leader provided a brief explanation, ensuring that participants understood the significance of a balanced diet in enhancing their lives.

As we reflect on this commemorative event, it serves as a reminder that prevention is indeed better than cure. Dr. Naz's revelation about Malaysia's demographic shift reinforces the critical need for preventive healthcare, particularly in the context of diabetes and other chronic illnesses.

Note: * elderly is those above 60 

Last 14th of November, we observed World Diabetes Day, an annual commemoration that coincides with the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin alongside Charles Best in 1922. Since 1991, this day has served as a global response to the increasing health concerns posed by diabetes.

The statistics regarding diabetes are sobering:

  • In 2019, 1 in 11 adults lived with diabetes.
  • The projected number of people living with diabetes is expected to reach 578 million by 2030.
  • Alarmingly, 1 in 2 adults with diabetes remains undiagnosed, totaling 232 million individuals.
  • Diabetes claimed 4.2 million lives in 2019.

The World Health Organization underscores the severe complications that untreated diabetes can lead to, including heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and lower limb amputation. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in preventing such life-threatening outcomes.

Recognizing the importance of early intervention and in light of the association between type 1 diabetes mellitus and HLA-DQ genes, BDR-Blackhills Diagnostic Resources presents the Genvinset HLA Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 kit. This diagnostic resource aims to facilitate timely and accurate identification, allowing for proactive measures to manage and mitigate the impact of diabetes. In a world where diabetes poses a significant health challenge, staying informed and taking preventative actions are key steps towards a healthier future.

Participants and Organizers group picture.

Creating awareness within our community is paramount to prevent and curb the prevalence of diabetes and other critical illnesses. Health is undeniably true wealth, and by actively participating in events like these, we collectively take strides toward building a healthier, more resilient community. Let this event be a catalyst for ongoing efforts to prioritize health, fostering a culture of well-being for generations to come.


We expresses sincere gratitude to all participants, fitness trainers, clinic staffs, and doctors from Clinic Jalan Gereja Melaka for their dedicated involvement in this health awareness initiatives within the community. We acknowledges the care, love, and thoughtfulness demonstrated during the events, highlighting the sumptuous lunch, thoughtful gifts, and engaging photographing sessions. The collective effort and passion exhibited by everyone involved in promoting health awareness have left a positive and lasting impact on the community. Eventually, we concludes with a hopeful tone, expressing anticipation for future collaborations and a continued commitment to building a healthier and happier community together.

We also extends heartfelt gratitude to the management of Teo Chew Hui Kuan for their generosity in granting permission to use the space for the health awareness event. The acknowledgment recognizes their pivotal role in facilitating and supporting the initiative, underscoring the importance of collaboration between the community and organizations in promoting health and well-being. We indeed appreciates the management's contribution to making the event possible and creating an environment conducive to fostering a healthier community.


Aging Gracefully : Live healthily

In the tapestry of time, where moments weave,

A story unfolds, where ages achieve.

Aging gracefully, a journey we embark,

Live healthily, let wellness spark.

With each passing day, a chapter turns,

A symphony of wisdom, as the candle burns.

Lines etched on faces, tales untold,

In the art of aging, a beauty to behold.

Gracefully, like a dance with the sun,

Life's melody, a journey well-spun.

Weathered by seasons, yet standing tall,

Aging gracefully, embracing it all.

In the mirror of years, reflections clear,

A canvas of memories, held dear.

Live healthily, the mantra we chant,

A wellness journey, a lifelong grant.

Nourish the body, and nurture the soul,

Let resilience and vibrancy take control.

Embrace the changes, let time be kind,

In the dance of aging, true beauty we find.

Cherish the laughter, and lessons learned,

In the golden years, let health be earned.

Aging gracefully, with vigor and zest,

A celebration of life, at its very best.

So let the years unfold, like petals in bloom,

Aging gracefully, dispelling all gloom.

Live healthily, in body and mind,

For in the journey of aging, true joy we find.