Traditional Chinese Wedding

Traditional Chinese Weddings in Malaysia, especially in Melaka, are steeped in rich customs and traditions that have been passed down for centuries. These customs and traditions are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and are meant to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness to the couple.

Here are some of the most important Chinese wedding customs in Melaka, along with their traditional poems: 

(1)  Guo Da Li (过大礼) - This is the betrothal ceremony, where the groom's family visits the bride's family to formally ask for her hand in marriage. During this ceremony, the groom's family presents a list of gifts to the bride's family, which includes items such as jewelry, tea sets, and red packets containing money. The bride's family then returns the gesture by presenting a set of gifts to the groom's family. The traditional poem recited during Guo Da Li is:


“Guòmén zhòng lǐ yǒusān bān, qíngyì miánmián ài yì zhǎng. Jīn yín cáibǎo chuánjiābǎo, wénshū zìhuà chuán xīnshēng. Zhùfú èr zì duō zhēnchéng, yuán lái shì wǒ hé liángyuán. Tiāncì liángyuán gǎn'ēn zhòng, měimǎn xìngfú yǒng xiāng suí." 

Translation: "There are three types of gifts in the betrothal ceremony, conveying never-ending love and care. Wealthy gifts to treasure for generations to come, calligraphy and paintings to express heartfelt emotions. Wishing you both a true and sincere love, a fateful meeting and a happy marriage. Cherishing this auspicious match, may you live happily ever after."

Some other examples:

Yī pào kāi tiānmén, èr xǐlínmén tíng,

Sān shēng yǒuxìng yù liángyuán, sìhǎi bīnpéng gòng hè qìng.

Wǔfú línmén jiā chūn mǎn, liùliù dà shùn shì shì hēng,

Qī zǐ tuányuán tiān xǐqìng, bāfāng zīyuán jù jiātíng.

Jiǔjiǔ tóngxīn yíng jīnhūn, shí nián fāng qìngyǒng yuánmǎn.


One red package, symbol of joy,

Two families unite, happiness will deploy,

Three bows to heaven and earth, blessings pour,

Four plates of gifts, gratitude in store.

Five grains of rice, symbolic of abundance,

Six forms of jewelry, with significance,

Seven words of advice, given with care,

Eight treasures for the bride, love to share.

Nine perfect gifts, chosen with thought,

Ten thousand blessings, to be sought.

(2) 一碗饗食甜如蜜,
Yī wǎn xiǎng shí tián rú mì,

Èr bēi jiāobēijiǔ, tiánmì měihǎo bànlǚ,

Sān bǎobèi gāotiǎo sì yù,

Sì xǐquè qiáo qiānxiàn, xǐ jié liángyuán yàn'ěr xīn.

Wǔfú línmén hèxǐ nǐ,Wǔfú línmén hèxǐ nǐ,

Liùliù dà shùn hǎoyùn lái,

Qīxīng gāozhàozhào nǐ lù,

Bāfāng cáiyuán jìn nǐ mén.

Jiǔlóng téngfēi zhǎnchì áo,

Shíquánshíměi xìngfú xiǎng.


A bowl of sweet food,

Two cups of toasting wine, a sweet and happy partner,

Three treasures are tall and slender like jade,

Four auspicious magpies on the bridge, happy to tie the knot and start a new life.

Five blessings come to your door to congratulate you,

Sixty-six in harmony, good luck is here,

Seven stars shining on your path,

Eight directions of wealth entering your home.

Nine dragons soaring and flying with their wings spread,

Ten perfect and beautiful happiness to enjoy.

Hair Combing Ceremony (梳头
Shūtóu) -

This is a ritual that is usually carried out separately by the bride and groom on the morning of the wedding day. The bride and groom sit in front of a mirror while an elderly female family member combs their hair. This is done to symbolize the couple's transition into adulthood and marriage. The traditional poem recited during the hair combing ceremony is:

“Bǎinián hǎo hé, yǒng jié tóngxīn, ēn'ài tóng fā, báitóuxiélǎo.”

 Translation: "May your union be harmonious and long-lasting, with mutual love and respect. May you grow old together in happiness and contentment."

Some other examples:

Yīyè piānzhōu sòng ài lǚ

Èr rén tóngjì yǒng xiāng xǔ.

Sān yuán jù sàn zǒng yǒu shí,

Sìjì píng'ān fú wújiāng.

Wǔfú línmén hèxǐ nǐ,

Liùliù dà shùn hǎoyùn lái,

Qīxīng gāozhàozhào nǐ lù,

Bāfāng cáiyuán jìn nǐ mén.

Jiǔlóng téngfēi zhǎnchì áo,

Shíquánshíměi xìngfú xiǎng.


A flat boat sends the lovers away,

Two people together forever.

Three reasons for meeting and parting,

Four seasons of peace and endless blessings.

Five blessings come to your door to congratulate you,

Sixty-six in harmony, good luck is here,

Seven stars shining on your path,

Eight directions of wealth entering your home.

Nine dragons soaring and flying with their wings spread,

Ten perfect and beautiful happiness to enjoy.

(2) 一梳新娘髮,
Yī shū xīnniáng fà,

Èr dàibiǎo jiùshí cí

Sān jià rù xīnjiā,

Sì kāiqǐ xīn piānzhāng.

Wǔ mǔqīn shūtóu,

Liù zhùfú huà liánmián,

Qī zān huā fà shì měi,

Bā xīnniáng dòngrén miàn.

Jiǔ shénshèng yíshì kāi,

Shí xìngfú xīn shēnghuó.


One combing of the bride's hair,

Two symbolizes bidding farewell to the past,

Three marrying into a new family,

Four embarking on a new chapter.

Five, the mother combs the hair,

Six, blessings and words are spoken endlessly,

Seven, hair accessories and flowers are added beautifully,

Eight, the bride's face is moving.

Nine, a sacred ceremony begins,

Ten, a new life of happiness.

(3) 一生一世情侶緣,
Yīshēng yīshì qínglǚ yuán,

èr rén gòng zhú měihǎo jiāyuán

sānshì yǒngbào nǐ,

sìjì rú chūnyǒng bùlǎo

Wǔfú línmén hèxǐ nǐ

liùliù dà shùn hǎoyùn lái,

īxīng gāozhàozhào nǐ lù,

bāfāng cáiyuán jìn nǐ mén

Jiǔlóng téngfēi zhǎnchì áo



A lifetime of love and fate together,

Two build a beautiful home,

Three lives to hold you tight,

Four seasons like spring, forever young.

May the five blessings come to your door, congratulations,

May the six six bring good fortune and smooth sailing,

May the seven stars shine upon your path,

May wealth come to you from all directions.

May the dragon soar high and spread its wings,

May everything be perfect and happiness be enjoyed to the fullest.

(3)  Tea Ceremony (敬茶Jìng chá) -

During the tea ceremony, the couple serves tea to their parents and other senior relatives as a sign of respect and gratitude. In return, the couple receives blessings and well-wishes from their elders. The traditional poem recited during the tea ceremony is:

“Chá xǐ shì lǐ, shuāng xǐlínmén, zhùhè érnǚ chéngjiā, bǎinián hǎo hé, xǐ jié liánlǐ.”

 Translation: "Tea symbolizes joy, and with the couple's marriage comes double happiness. Congratulations on your new union, may it last a hundred years and be blessed with eternal love and harmony." 

Some other examples:

1. 茶是人生的滋味,
Chá shì rénshēng de zīwèi

Pǐn yīkǒu, gǎnwù shìjiān qíng.

Xīnrén gòng pǐn yībēi chá,

Qíngyì xiānglián, ài yì shēng

Chá xǐ shì lǐ, yì yì xiānglián,

Yuánfèn tiān dìng, bǎinián hǎo hé


Tea is the flavor of life,

Take a sip, understand the world's emotions.

The newlyweds share a cup of tea,

Connected by feelings, born from love.

Tea is a gift, connecting intentions,

Fate is predetermined, may you have a hundred years of happiness together.

2. 沏一杯清茶,香气袭人来。
Qī yībēi qīngchá, xiāngqì xí rén lái.

Xīnrén gòng pǐn chá, liǎng xīn hé yī xié.

Tiānzuòzhīhé, bǎinián hǎo yīnyuán.

Zhùfú yǒnghéng, qíng bǐ jīn jiān


Brew a cup of tea, fragrance fills the air.

The newlyweds share tea, their hearts harmonize as one.

A match made in heaven, a hundred years of good marriage.

Eternal blessings, love as strong as gold.

3. 人生有幸,品一杯清茶。
Rénshēng yǒuxìng, pǐn yībēi qīngchá.

Yuánqǐ qíng shēn, xīnhūn xǐ jié liánlǐ.

Yōucháng rénshēng lù, fēngyǔtóngzhōu yīqǐ zǒu.

Tiāncì yīnyuán, bǎinián hǎo xiāngbàn.


In the luck of life, drink a cup of clear tea.

Deep love leads to joyous wedding and union.

Through the long journey of life, we face storms together.

Blessed with a fated relationship, may you be together for a hundred years

(4)  Lion Dance (舞狮Wǔ shī) - The lion dance is a traditional performance that is usually performed at the wedding reception. The lion dance is believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. The traditional poem recited during the lion dance is:


“Wǔ shī zhī jì, xiángyún mǎn tiān, fúshén jiànglín, xǐqìyángyáng. Shīzi yáotóu, wěibā shuǎi jǐn, yíngchūn jiē fú, xìngfú lái dào.”

Translation: "As the lion dance begins, auspicious clouds fill the sky, and the god of good fortune descends, bringing joy and happiness. The lion shakes its head and tail, ushering in the spring and welcoming good fortune, bringing happiness to all."

(5)  Red Envelope (红包Hóngbāo) - Giving red envelopes is a common practice in Chinese weddings, and it is customary to give money in even numbers to represent good luck. The traditional poem recited when giving red envelopes is:

“Xīnhūn dàxǐ, gōng zhù bǎinián hǎo hé. Xìngfú měimǎn, hóngbāo qǐng xiàonà.”

Translation: "Congratulations on your marriage, wishing you a lifetime of happiness and harmony. May your life together be filled with joy and prosperity. Please accept this red envelope with our blessings."

(6)  Wedding Banquet (喜宴) - The wedding banquet is the grand finale of the wedding celebrations, and it is usually held at a restaurant or hotel. During the banquet, guests are served a multi-course meal, and the newlyweds make their rounds to greet and thank their guests. The traditional poem recited during the wedding banquet is:

“Xǐ jié liángyuán, gòng pǔ àiqíng tiánmì qū. Huā kāi fùguì, jǔ bēi qìnghè liǎng qíng róngqià."

Translation: "Congratulations on your happy union, may your love story be sweet and beautiful. May your lives be filled with prosperity and happiness, let us raise our glasses to celebrate your perfect match."

Some other examples:

1. 新婚燕尔 Xīnhūn yàn'ěr

Yīshēng yīshì, liǎng xīn xiāng yuè,

Èr rén xīnhūn, tiánmì měimǎn.

Sān yáng kāi tài, sìjì píng'ān,

Wǔfú línmén, liùliù dà shùn

Qīxīng gāo zhào, bāfāng lái cái,

Jiǔzhōu dǐnglì, shíquánshíměi.


Newlyweds' happiness

One life, two hearts in harmony,

Two people newlywed, sweet and happy.

Three suns bring prosperity, four seasons are peaceful,

Five blessings at the doorstep, six-six harmony.

Seven stars shining bright, eight treasures come from all directions,

Nine provinces with all their might, ten perfect things.

2. 婚礼祝福 Hūnlǐ zhùfú

Yīshēng yīshì, qíng bǐ jīn jiān

Liǎng xīn xiāng yuè, yuán dìng jīnshēng.

Sānshān wǔyuè, sìhǎi wéi jiā,

Wǔfú línmén, liùliù dà shùn.

Qīzi dài xǐ, bāfāng lái cái,

Jiǔlóng tiān xíng, shíquánshíměi


Wedding Blessing

One life, love as solid as gold,

Two hearts in harmony, fate destined for this life.

Three mountains and five peaks, home in the four seas,

Five blessings at the doorstep, six-six harmony.

Seven children bring happiness, eight treasures come from all directions,

Nine dragons soaring in the sky, ten perfect things.

3. 幸福生活 Xìngfú shēnghuó

Yīshēng yīshì, àiliàn miánmián,

Liǎng xīn xiāng yuè, tiánmì rú mì

Sān shēng yǒuxìng, sìjì fēnfāng,

Wǔfú línmén, liùliù dà shùn.

Qīcǎi bānlán, bāfāng lái cái,

Jiǔzhōu dǐnglì, shíquánshíměi.


Happy Life

One life, love that lasts forever,

Two hearts in harmony, sweet as honey.

Three lives are lucky, four seasons are fragrant,

Five blessings at the doorstep, six-six harmony.

Seven colors are beautiful, eight treasures come from all directions,

Nine provinces with all their might, ten perfect things.

Top five popular Traditional Chinese wedding songs:

  1. "The Jasmine Flower" (茉莉花), a classic folk song that is often played during Chinese weddings.

  2. "Happiness Together" (百年好合), a traditional Chinese wedding song that symbolizes a happy and lasting marriage.

  3. "The Moon Represents My Heart" (月亮代表我的心), a romantic ballad by Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng that has become a popular wedding song in China.

  4. "Marry Me Today" (今天妳要嫁给我), a popular love song by Taiwanese singer David Tao that is often played at Chinese weddings.

  5. "Dragon and Phoenix" (龍鳳呈祥), a traditional Chinese wedding song that represents the union of a bride and groom and the harmony between the two families.

In conclusion, Chinese weddings in Melaka are a rich and colorful blend of customs and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Each ritual has its own unique significance, and the recitation of traditional poems adds a touch of elegance and grace to the proceedings.

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