Wednesday, July 06, 2022

July 04 Melaka Tour- St. Paul and A Famosa and Lunch at Gravy Baby

Melaka,Warisan Kita,
Di mana sejarah bersatu,
Di mana budaya bercampur,
Keindahannya tak terhingga.

Di sini, A Famosa berkubu,
Mengingatkan kita pada masa lalu,
Pertempuran  yang pernah berlaku,
Dan jiwa yang tidak pernah mati.

Baba-nyonya, budaya unit,
Gabungan timur dan barat,
Mengingatkan kita pada keagungannya,
Yang membuat Melaka begitu istimewa.

Jalan-jalan yang dipenuhi warna-warni,
Rumah-rumah dan bangunan bersejarah,
Mengingatkan kita pada zaman dahulu,
Dan perjuangan rakyatnya yang lalu.

Melaka Warisan kita,
Tak pernah dilupakan,
Dalam jiwa dan hati kita,
Diingati selalu setiap zaman.

Melaka, Our Heritage,
Where history unites,
Where cultures blend,
Creating true beauty.

Here, A Famosa stands,
Reminding us of the past,
Battles that have been fought,
And the spirit that never dies.

Baba-nyonya, a unique culture,
A blend of the East and West,
Reminding us of the diversity,
That makes Melaka truly special.

Streets lined with colorful houses,
And historical buildings,
Reminding us of times gone by,
And the struggles of the past.

Melaka, Our Heritage,
Never to be forgotten,
In our hearts and souls,
Forever remembered.

9am Met Jo, the Baba House Manager and proceed to have our breakfast Misua & Omelette Oyster and Coffee & Kaya Butter toast.

9.30am We proceeded to climb St Paul Hill and then a visit to the A Famosa.

Malacca History

In the 15th century, Malacca came under the rule of the Melaka Sultanate, which was a powerful Malay kingdom. The Sultanate was known for its strong navy and its strategic location on the Straits of Malacca, which made it a major hub for trade. The city of Malacca also became an important center for the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia.

During the 16th century, the Portuguese, led by Alfonso de Albuquerque, conquered Malacca and established their colonial rule over the city. The Portuguese were followed by the Dutch and later the British, who controlled Malacca until the end of World War II.

After Malaysia gained independence from the British in 1957,
Malacca became one of the country's 13 states. Today, the city of Malacca is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its well-preserved historical buildings, such as the A Famosa fort and the Stadthuys, as well as its vibrant culture, which reflects its diverse heritage.

history is a melting pot of different cultures, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Portuguese, Dutch, and British. which can be seen in the architecture, food, and customs of the city. Visitors to Malacca can experience a unique blend of history and culture by visiting its museums, temples, and other historical sites, as well as by participating in traditional festivals and events.

Malacca, also known as Melaka, is a state in Malaysia that has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It was founded by a prince from the Sumatra-based kingdom of Srivijaya, who fled to the area after a power struggle. He established a trading port on the site, which quickly became a major center for trade between China, India, and the Islamic world.

Malacca is a historic city located in the southern region of the Malay Peninsula, in Malaysia.

It is known for its rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks, one of the most notable of which is the St. Paul Hill and the A Famosa fortress. These two landmarks are closely intertwined and offer visitors a glimpse into the city's rich history.

St. Paul Hill is a hilltop located in the heart of Malacca. It is the site of the original Malacca City, which was founded by the Portuguese in the early 16th century. The hill is home to the ruins of the St. Paul's Church, which was built by the Portuguese in 1521. The church was dedicated to St. Paul, the patron saint of sailors, and served as a place of worship for the Portuguese sailors who visited the city.

History of St. Paul's Hill 

St. Paul’s Hill in Malacca, Malaysia, is a historical site that is closely associated with the city's rich cultural heritage. The hill is the site of the original Malacca City, which was founded by the Portuguese in the early 16th century. The hill is home to the ruins of the St. Paul's Church, which was built by the Portuguese in 1521. The church was dedicated to St. Paul, the patron saint of sailors, and served as a place of worship for the Portuguese sailors who visited the city. 

The church was built by the Portuguese sailors led by Duarte Coelho, who named the hill after the ship saint, St. Paul. The church was constructed of brick and laterite and was dedicated to the apostle St. Paul, the patron saint of sailors, who was said to have visited Malacca in the company of St. Francis Xavier.

During the Portuguese occupation of Malacca, the church served as a major religious center for the Portuguese community and was visited by many sailors and traders from Portugal and other parts of Europe. The church also served as a center for education and was used to teach the local population about Christianity.
However, in 1641, the Dutch captured Malacca and the church fell into disrepair. The Dutch dismantled much of the church and used the materials to construct other buildings in the city. The church was then left to ruin, and today, only the ruins of the church's facade and the stairs leading up to it remain.
The St. Paul's Hill and the ruins of the church have become a popular tourist destination in Malacca. Visitors can climb the hill and see the ruins of the church, as well as enjoy the beautiful views of the city and the sea. The site is also considered an important historical and cultural landmark, and efforts are being made to preserve and restore the ruins.
St. Paul’s Hill in Malacca is a significant historical site that is closely associated with the city's rich cultural heritage. The hill is the site of the original Malacca City, and the ruins of the St. Paul's Church is an important cultural and historical landmark in the city. Despite its state of disrepair, the site is still visited by many tourists and locals alike, and efforts are being made to preserve and restore the ruins for future generations to appreciate and learn about the history of Malacca.
The Stadthuys, located in the historic city of Malacca, Malaysia, is a Dutch colonial-era building that dates back to the 17th century. It was built in 1650 as the official residence of the Dutch Governor and his officers.

The building is made of red bricks and is a fine example of Dutch architecture in Southeast Asia. It has been well-preserved over the centuries and currently serves as a museum showcasing the history and culture of Malacca during the Dutch colonial period. The Stadthuys is a popular tourist attraction and a significant landmark in the city of Malacca. 

The Melaka Clock Tower, also known as the "Red Square Clock Tower" is a historical clock tower located in the city of Melaka, Malaysia. The clock tower was built in 1886 and is located in the heart of the city, in the Red Square area, which is a popular tourist destination. The clock tower was built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Melaka. The clock tower was designed in the Victorian style and is made of red bricks, which is why it is also known as the "Red Square Clock Tower." The clock tower has four clock faces and stands at a height of about 20 meters. The clock was imported from London and was in operation till the end of World War 2. However, the clock has not been in operation since and the clock tower is now a famous tourist spot. The clock tower is a well-preserved historical landmark and one of the most iconic symbols of the city. It is a popular spot for tourists to take photos and learn about the history of Melaka.

Who is this St. Francis Xavier?

St. Francis Xavier was a Catholic missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) during the 16th century. He was born in 1506 in the Kingdom of Navarre, in what is now Spain, and was educated at the University of Paris. He was a close friend of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, and together they founded the Society of Jesus in 1540.

Xavier was known for his strong faith and his desire to spread Christianity to new lands. He was appointed as a missionary to the East Indies by Pope Paul III and set sail for India in 1542. He spent the next ten years traveling and preaching throughout India, Southeast Asia, and Japan, converting many people to Christianity.

Xavier was particularly successful in his mission to Japan, where he established a significant Christian community. He also made many trips to China and the Philippines, but was unable to establish a permanent presence there.
In addition to his missionary work, Xavier was also known for his strong commitment to education. He established schools and colleges throughout the regions where he worked, and his efforts helped to lay the foundation for a strong Catholic education system in Asia.
St. Francis Xavier died in 1552 on the island of Sancian, near the coast of China, while awaiting permission to enter the mainland. He was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1622 and is considered one of the most important Catholic saints of the 16th century.
St. Francis Xavier was a Catholic missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) during the 16th century. He was known for his strong faith and his desire to spread Christianity to new lands, particularly in India, Southeast Asia, and Japan, where he established a significant Christian community and a strong Catholic education system. He is considered one of the most important Catholic saints of the 16th century and his legacy lives on through the Jesuits and the Catholic Church in those regions.

History of St. Francis Xavier Church Melaka

The St. Francis Xavier Church in Melaka, Malaysia, is a historic Catholic church that was built in honor of St. Francis Xavier, the 16th-century Catholic missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The church is located in the city of Melaka, also known as Malacca, which was a strategically important port and trading center in Southeast Asia during the 16th century.

The St. Francis Xavier Church was built in the 18th century by the Portuguese community in Melaka, and it is one of the oldest surviving Catholic churches in Malaysia. The church is a simple, rectangular structure made of brick and plaster, with a tiled roof and a small bell tower.

The interior of the church is simple and unadorned, with whitewashed walls and a wooden altar. The church is also home to a number of historical artifacts, including a wooden statue of St. Francis Xavier that is said to be over 300 years old.

Throughout its history, the St. Francis Xavier Church has played an important role in the Catholic community in Melaka. It has served as a place of worship for generations of Catholics, and it has also been a center for education and community outreach.

The church, however, has faced many challenges throughout its history. It has been damaged by fire and war, and it has undergone several renovations and restoration efforts to preserve its historical and cultural significance.
The A Famosa fortress is located at the base of St. Paul Hill. It was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century to protect the city from attacks by the Dutch and the Malays.

The fortress is a massive structure that was built using limestone and brick, and it is surrounded by a moat and a wall. Inside the fortress, visitors can see the remains of the governor's residence, the chapel, and the prison.

The St. Paul Hill and the A Famosa
fortress are important landmarks in Malacca's history. They are a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage and its strategic importance as a trading and military center. Visitors to Malacca can learn more about the city's history by visiting these landmarks and taking a guided tour.

Despite its historical significance, the A Famosa fortress and the St. Paul Hill are facing a number of threats. The A Famosa fortress is in a state of disrepair and is in need of restoration and preservation. Additionally, the city and the hill are facing the threat of urbanization, which can lead to the destruction of these historic landmarks.

To conserve the St. Paul Hill and A Famosa fortress, it is important to take action to protect and preserve these landmarks. This can be done by creating protected areas, restoring and preserving the sites, and educating the public about the importance of these landmarks.

History belongs to those who cherish it and work to preserve it. The St. Paul Hill and A Famosa fortress are important landmarks in Malacca's history. They offer visitors a glimpse into the city's rich cultural heritage and its strategic importance as a trading and military center. It is important to take action to protect and preserve these landmarks for future generations to enjoy and learn about the history of Malacca.

At 10am We had our Durian Cendol ($7.80) at San Shu Gong and bought 3 packets of Honey Lime at RM10/- before proceeding with my River Walk. The Durian Cendol was indeed delicious as we were very thirsty and tired. We sat upstairs by the balcony enjoying the beautiful view of the Melaka city.
At 11am, continued with the River Walk which took us about 30min-45 mins to complete.
11.30am Lunch at Gravy Baby where we had Cherry & Chocolate Ice cream each and Pumpkin & Apricot Pie + London Parsley.
1pm We finished our lunch and headed home.
It was indeed a wonderful bright sunny morning and I truly enjoyed my time climbing St Paul  Hill and the River walk.

         Malacca Historical City Poem

                In Malacca, a city rich in history,
                Where tales of old and new entwine,
                Where cultures blend, and stories unfold,
                And memories of the past still shine.

                The streets are lined with colorful houses,
                And buildings steeped in heritage,
                Reminding us of a bygone era,
                And the struggles of a people's age.

                The A Famosa fort, a grand old structure,
                A testament to the past,
                Reminding us of the battles fought,
                And the stories of the first.

                The Baba-Nyonya culture,
                A unique blend of East and West,
                A reminder of the rich diversity,
                That makes Malacca truly blessed.

                So if you ever find yourself,
                In this historical city,
                Take a walk down memory lane,
                And let the stories set you free.

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