Showing posts with label Mid Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mid Valley. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Celebrating She Matters: A Tea with World Vision's President

Last Saturday, 6th July, 2024, 3pm, we were privileged to attend a significant event hosted by World Vision Malaysia, held at the beautiful St Giles Gardens Hotel in Mid Valley City. The event, aptly named "She Matters," focused on upholding the rights of girls worldwide, ensuring they live lives free of fear and with bright futures ahead.

World Vision International President & CEO, Mr. Andrew Morley giving his opening speech

We were honored to be invited for afternoon tea with Mr. Andrew Morley, the President of World Vision International. His presence was a testament to the importance of this cause and the global commitment to advocating for the rights of girls.

Highlighting a Special Young Advocate

One of the highlights of the event was the introduction of Yaru, a remarkable 17-year-old from Cambodia. Despite her young age, Yaru has become a vocal advocate for children's rights in her community. Her story of courage and determination was both inspiring and moving, showcasing the profound impact that awareness and advocacy can have on empowering young girls. Yaru's journey from a girl in Cambodia to an influential speaker underscores the potential within every girl to become a leader and change-maker.

Angel Cheang and Terry Yong

Voices of Influence and Inspiration

The event also featured a compelling address by Mr. Andrew Morley, who shared insights on the global initiatives and successes of World Vision in supporting girls' rights. His speech emphasized the importance of collective action and the need to support and uplift girls in every corner of the world.

                                   Sponsor a child

Moderating the event was Ms. Freda Liu, a renowned business broadcast journalist and child sponsor. Ms. Liu shared her personal experiences as a child sponsor, providing a heartfelt perspective on the profound difference sponsorship can make in the lives of children. Her stories highlighted the transformative power of support and the ripple effect it creates in communities.

      From Left: Christina, Angie, Angel, Leanne and Roseline Sik 

A Call to Action

"She Matters" was more than just an event; it was a call to action for all attendees to join the mission of advocating for girls' rights. The discussions and presentations underscored the urgent need to create safe environments where girls can thrive without fear. By investing in their education, health, and well-being, we pave the way for a future where every girl can achieve her full potential.

                                             Roseline Sik and Angie Ng

Looking Forward

As we reflected on the day's events, we were reminded of the importance of such gatherings in raising awareness and fostering a global community committed to change. The stories shared, the connections made, and the collective resolve to make a difference left a lasting impact on all who attended.

    Staffs Meeting

We extend our gratitude to World Vision Malaysia for hosting this meaningful event and to all the speakers and participants for their contributions. Together, we can continue to uphold the rights of girls worldwide and ensure they live lives filled with hope, opportunity, and freedom from fear.

We look forward to future events and initiatives that continue to shine a light on these crucial issues. Let us all be champions for girls’ rights and advocates for a world where every girl matters.

She Matters
She Matters

In every heart, a seed of light,
A girl with dreams that take their flight.
From distant lands where shadows loom,
Her spirit blooms, dispelling gloom.

She matters, like the morning sun,
Her strength and hope, for everyone.
From Cambodia to every shore,
Her voice will rise, her spirit soar.

In places where the nights are long,
Her courage sings a steadfast song.
For every child with eyes so bright,
She stands for love, she stands for right.

No more in fear, no more in pain,
She breaks the chains, she breaks the chain.
With purity and truth, she fights,
For every girl to claim her rights.

Her future shines, a beacon clear,
Her path to walk, without a fear.
From fields to classrooms, dreams unfold,
Her story in each heart retold.

She matters, let the world proclaim,
Her name, her voice, a living flame.
In every heart, let justice ring,
For her, let every voice now sing.

From every corner, near and far,
She’s more than just a rising star.
She’s hope, she’s strength, she’s future bright,
A warrior for the world’s delight.

So let us stand, with hearts entwined,
For every girl, a voice aligned.
Together, let us boldly state,
She matters, and her dreams are great.

In unity, our pledge we give,
To fight for her, so she may live.
A life of freedom, joy, and grace,
Where every girl can find her place.

She matters, yes, the world must see,
Her right to live, her right to be.
For every girl, in every land,
We stand as one, we take her hand.

Her future shines, because we care,
In every heart, a dream to share.
For she matters, this truth we hold,
In every girl, a story bold.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to World Vision Malaysia for hosting such a meaningful event, "She Matters." The sumptuous tea provided a perfect setting for a memorable and impactful afternoon.

A special thank you to all the sponsors who made this event possible with their generous support. We are deeply grateful to all the contributors who captured the event's essence through their wonderful pictures, with particular appreciation to Angel Cheang for her exceptional photography. Your efforts have beautifully documented this significant gathering, helping to spread the message that every girl matters.