Showing posts with label Pay Fong Middle School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pay Fong Middle School. Show all posts

Sunday, February 12, 2023

2023 Feb 12 Open House Lunar New Year 2023 with our 10th Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, Pay Fong Middle School, Melaka.

It was with great excitement that the citizens of Melaka received the news of the arrival of our esteemed 10th Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, to the Pay Fong Middle School, Melaka. For the first time, the Prime Minister visited the school to officially inaugurate the Open House celebrating the Lunar New Year 2023. The school was alight with festivities, as students, staff, and local residents gathered to mark the start of a new year.

The Prime Minister arrived in the evening, accompanied by his team. The school grounds were filled with a sea of eager faces, all waiting to catch a glimpse of our esteemed leader. Red and gold decorations adorned the walls, and Chinese lanterns swayed in the gentle breeze, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The scent of traditional foods filled the air, and the sounds of festive music echoed through the grounds, filling all present with joy and excitement.

The Prime Minister was greeted with rapturous applause as he took the stage to address the gathered crowd. In his speech, he spoke of the importance of embracing one's cultural roots, and the power of diversity. He emphasized the need for people to come together and celebrate their differences, for it is these differences that make us unique and special. The Prime Minister also spoke of the significance of the Lunar New Year, a time for renewal and hope for a bright future.

The festivities continued throughout the evening, with residents and guests feasting on traditional foods and drinks, and enjoying performances by local artists and musicians. Children laughed and played games, while families and friends caught up with one another, exchanging well wishes for the new year.

As the day came to a close, the Prime Minister took his leave, but the celebration continued into the night. The Open House at Pay Fong Middle School, Melaka, was indeed a celebration of community, diversity, and hope. It was a day filled with joy and the promise of a bright future for the citizens of Melaka. And for those who were in attendance, it was a day that shall forever be remembered with fondness and delight. 

In the heart of Melaka, a school stands proud and bright,

Pay Fong Middle School, where children learn and play with delight.

Today, a special day, for the first time, the 10th Prime Minister came,

To officialize the Open House, a celebration in his name.

Anwar Ibrahim, a leader with a vision so true,

Came to celebrate with residents, in the spirit of renewal.

The Open House, a symbol of unity, peace and mirth,

Bringing people together, to welcome in the New Year with girth.

The school was decorated, with red and gold so bright,

Symbols of prosperity, and a future filled with light.

Food and music filled the air, a tapestry of delight,

As people laughed and played, in this magical night.

The Prime Minister spoke, his words wise and kind,

Of the importance of culture, and the beauty that we can find.

He emphasized the power, of embracing our roots,

And the strength in diversity, a message both poignant and astute.

So here's to the Prime Minister, and Pay Fong Middle School,

For reminding us of the beauty, in diversity as a whole.

For bringing people together, in a celebration of life,

And for spreading joy, peace and happiness, without any strife.

As the festivities wind down, and the night comes to a close,

We leave with hearts full, and memories that we'll never lose.

We'll carry on the spirit, of this Open House tonight,

And embrace each other, with love, understanding and light.

So here's to the New Year, and the joy it brings,

May it be filled with hope, and all good things.

And here's to the future, with Anwar Ibrahim at the helm,

May it be filled with progress, and a nation that's proud and strong.