Tuesday, July 18, 2023

2023 July 11th Tuesday, 270th Anniversary : A Harmonious Reverie: The Celebratory Christian Musical Concert at Christ Church Malacca


In the resplendent city of Malacca, a momentous event unfolded, weaving together the strands of faith, music, and history. A magnificent Christian Musical Concert, held for the first time, took center stage within the hallowed walls of Christ Church Malacca. The concert featured extraordinary talents such as the renowned Haileybury Chamber Choir from the United Kingdom and The Malacca State Boys' Brigade Wind Band. Accompanied by the enchanting melodies of The Christ Church Malacca Festive Band and The 1st Malacca Boys' Brigade Brass Band, the concert marked a milestone, coinciding with the grand celebration of Christ Church Malacca's 270th anniversary. This resplendent revival concert not only captured the hearts of Malaccans but also rekindled the flame of pride in their magnificent church. Gratitude overflows as we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the participants, whose generous donations and unwavering support have breathed new life into the captivating history of Christ Church Malacca and its devoted members.

1: The Genesis of Christ Church Malacca

A voyage through time reveals the genesis of Christ Church Malacca, a sacred testament to unwavering devotion. Constructed in 1753 under Dutch patronage, the church embodied the Dutch Reformed tradition, providing spiritual nourishment for the Dutch community residing in Malacca. The Dutch ascended to power in 1640, usurping the Portuguese dominion that had reigned since 1511. Christ Church Malacca, born amidst this historical shift, stood as a beacon of faith in a newfound era.

The Dutch, recognizing the need for a place of worship to cater to their growing community, initiated the construction of Christ Church in the heart of Malacca. Led by the fervent Dutch Reformed congregation, the church was envisioned as a symbol of religious identity and an embodiment of their faith.

Skilled craftsmen and artisans were commissioned to bring this vision to life. The foundation stones were carefully laid, forming a solid base for the construction. The architecture reflected the prevailing Dutch style of the period, characterized by its simplicity and elegance. The church was designed in the shape of a cross, with a tall steeple reaching towards the heavens, signifying a connection between the earthly realm and the divine.

The building materials for Christ Church were sourced meticulously. Red bricks were imported from Holland to ensure durability and strength. These bricks were layered meticulously to create sturdy walls that would stand the test of time. The roof was adorned with Dutch tiles, giving the church a distinctive aesthetic appeal.

Inside the church, the interior was adorned with intricate woodwork. Skilled craftsmen carved intricate motifs and designs into the pews, pulpit, and other wooden furnishings. The meticulous attention to detail was a testament to the devotion of the Dutch community to create a space of worship that exuded beauty and reverence.

The church's completion marked a significant milestone in the history of Malacca. It became a hub for religious gatherings and social activities, providing solace and a sense of community for the Dutch residents. Christ Church not only served as a place of worship but also as a center for education and cultural exchange.

Over the years, the church witnessed numerous events and transformations. The Dutch era gave way to British colonial rule, and with each passing epoch, Christ Church Malacca remained a steadfast presence, transcending time and embodying the collective memories of those who sought solace within its hallowed walls.

Today, Christ Church Malacca stands as a living testament to the enduring faith of the Dutch community and the historical significance of Malacca itself. It has become an iconic landmark, attracting visitors from around the world who marvel at its architectural beauty and appreciate its cultural and historical value.

As the years pass, Christ Church Malacca continues to be a place where people gather to celebrate their faith, reflect on history, and find solace in the midst of a rapidly changing world. The genesis of this sacred institution reminds us of the power of faith, community, and the enduring legacy of those who came before us.

2. An Evolution of Worship

As Malacca burgeoned into a prominent trading port, its significance echoed throughout the region. The Straits of Malacca, a bustling thoroughfare for global trade, fostered cultural exchange and growth. In 1795, Anglican services commenced at Christ Church Malacca as a complementary second service to the Dutch Reformed Service, responding to the burgeoning British presence and their spiritual needs. The church, situated at the heart of this trading nexus, bore witness to the evolving tapestry of worship and the transformative power of faith.

With the arrival of the British in Malacca, a new chapter unfolded in the history of Christ Church. The British presence brought Anglicanism to the region, and as the number of British residents grew, so did the demand for Anglican services. Recognizing the need to accommodate this diverse community, the church authorities introduced Anglican services as a complementary addition to the existing Dutch Reformed services.

The transition to a dual-worship tradition at Christ Church was not without its challenges. The architecture and interior of the church had been designed primarily to reflect the Dutch Reformed tradition, and adapting the space to accommodate Anglican services required careful consideration. Gradually, modifications were made to the interior to accommodate Anglican practices and liturgical requirements.

The introduction of Anglican services brought forth a blend of traditions and cultures within the walls of Christ Church. The British community, along with other English-speaking worshippers, gathered to worship and participate in Anglican rituals. Hymns were sung, prayers were offered, and sermons were delivered in English, creating a distinct atmosphere within the church.

The evolution of worship at Christ Church not only reflected the changing demographics of the region but also highlighted the power of cultural exchange and mutual respect. The Dutch Reformed and Anglican communities coexisted and worshipped side by side, sharing the same space to express their faith and find solace. This harmonious coexistence became a testament to the inclusive nature of Christ Church, where diverse communities could come together under the umbrella of shared spiritual devotion.

As the years went by, Christ Church continued to adapt to the changing needs of its worshippers. The church became a symbol of unity, fostering a sense of belonging for both Dutch and British communities, as well as other nationalities residing in Malacca. It became a sanctuary for the faithful, a place where people of different backgrounds could gather, worship, and find comfort in their shared faith.

The transformative power of faith was evident within the walls of Christ Church. As the trading port of Malacca prospered, so too did the influence of the church spread beyond its physical confines. The teachings and values espoused within its walls touched the lives of those who frequented its services, leaving an indelible mark on the community.

Today, Christ Church Malacca stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of worship and the evolution of faith. It serves as a reminder of the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that have shaped the history of Malacca. Visitors from around the world can still experience the blending of Dutch and Anglican influences within its walls, witnessing the transformative power of faith and the strength of a community that came together under one roof.

The evolution of worship at Christ Church Malacca is a reflection of the ever-changing landscape of beliefs and the resilience of a community that embraces diversity and mutual respect. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith and the capacity of a place of worship to adapt, evolve, and continue to inspire generations to come.

3: Winds of Change and the Embrace of Anglicanism

The dawn of a new era arrived with the British settlement in Singapore in 1817. The subsequent transfer of Malacca's control from the Dutch to the British in 1824 marked a turning point in the region's history. The Anglican service gradually ascended to primacy within Christ Church Malacca, surpassing the Dutch Reformed Service, which assumed a secondary role. In a moment of great significance, Christ Church Malacca was consecrated as an Anglican Church in 1838, solidifying its identity as an enduring bastion of Anglican faith. Since then, it has continued to flourish, embracing generations with its resolute spirit.

The arrival of the British in Singapore brought about significant changes in the religious landscape of the region. Anglicanism, closely tied to the British colonial presence, gained prominence as the preferred form of worship for the growing British community. This newfound influence gradually extended to Christ Church Malacca as well.

With the transfer of Malacca's control from the Dutch to the British, the Anglican service within Christ Church gained momentum and popularity. The British residents and traders, seeking a familiar spiritual connection, flocked to Christ Church to partake in Anglican rituals and practices. The Anglican service, conducted in English, resonated with the predominantly English-speaking British community and gradually surpassed the Dutch Reformed Service in prominence.

The transition from a dual-worship tradition to a primary Anglican focus within Christ Church Malacca was a gradual process. The architecture and interior of the church were further adapted to accommodate Anglican practices and liturgy. The wooden furnishings and adornments were modified to align with the Anglican aesthetic, and the liturgical space was rearranged to reflect the changing priorities.

In 1838, a significant milestone was reached when Christ Church Malacca was consecrated as an Anglican Church. This consecration solidified its identity as a bastion of Anglican faith in the region. The church became an integral part of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore and Malaya, further strengthening its ties to the broader Anglican community.

With its new status as an Anglican Church, Christ Church Malacca became a center for Anglican worship, community engagement, and outreach. The church's role expanded beyond being a place of worship; it became a hub for various social and charitable activities, as well as an institution for education and spiritual guidance.

The embrace of Anglicanism within Christ Church Malacca showcased the adaptive nature of the church and its ability to evolve with the changing times. It exemplified the inclusive spirit of the Anglican faith, welcoming worshippers from different backgrounds and nationalities to join in the shared experience of Anglican worship.

Through the centuries, Christ Church Malacca has continued to flourish as a testament to the enduring spirit of Anglicanism. It has embraced generations with its resolute commitment to faith, community, and service. The church stands as a symbol of continuity, bridging the gap between the past and the present, and inspiring future generations to carry on its legacy.

Today, Christ Church Malacca remains a vibrant center of worship and a historical landmark. Visitors from around the world can witness the winds of change that shaped its identity, experience the embrace of Anglicanism, and appreciate the rich history and cultural significance it represents.

The journey of Christ Church Malacca reflects the ever-evolving nature of religious practices and the power of faith to adapt and thrive. It stands as a testament to the resilience of a community that has weathered the winds of change, embracing new traditions while preserving the essence of its foundation.

4: A Grand Revival - A Symphony of Faith and Harmony

On this wondrous Tuesday, the grand revival unfolded within the sacred walls of Christ Church Malacca. The ethereal melodies of the Haileybury Chamber Choir, gracing the stage all the way from the United Kingdom, resonated through the hearts of all who gathered. Joined by the transcendent harmonies of The Malacca State Boys' Brigade Wind Band, the concert transformed the ambiance into a celestial symphony. The accompanying music by The Christ Church Malacca Festive Band and The 1st Malacca Boys' Brigade Brass Band added depth and jubilation, weaving an exquisite tapestry of musical enchantment.

As the evening sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over Christ Church Malacca, anticipation filled the air. The historic church, with its towering steeple and majestic architecture, stood as a silent witness to centuries of worship and devotion. Within its hallowed walls, a grand revival was about to unfold—a celebration of faith, music, and harmony.

The Haileybury Chamber Choir, renowned for their ethereal vocals and unmatched musical prowess, had journeyed from the United Kingdom to grace the stage of Christ Church Malacca. Their voices, delicate yet powerful, filled the air with a celestial beauty that seemed to transcend the earthly realm. Each note carried a deep sense of devotion and reverence, touching the hearts of all who listened.

Joining the choir, The Malacca State Boys' Brigade Wind Band added a symphonic element to the performance. The sound of wind instruments mingled with the heavenly voices, creating a harmonious blend that resonated through the sacred space. The music swelled and soared, filling every nook and cranny of the church, lifting spirits and stirring emotions.

The Christ Church Malacca Festive Band and The 1st Malacca Boys' Brigade Brass Band, local musical ensembles deeply rooted in the community, also took their place in the grand revival. Their jubilant melodies and energetic rhythms added layers of depth and joy to the performance. The brass instruments rang out with exuberance, punctuating the air with a vibrant fanfare that echoed through the ages.

The symphony of faith and harmony that filled Christ Church Malacca that evening was a testament to the power of music to uplift, inspire, and unite. The transcendent melodies seemed to dissolve the boundaries of time, connecting the present moment with the centuries of worship that had taken place within those very walls. The concert became a celebration of the enduring spirit of Christ Church, a symbol of unwavering devotion and the unifying power of faith.

As the last notes of the concert faded into the air, a profound silence settled over the church. The audience, filled with awe and reverence, slowly rose to their feet, offering thunderous applause and heartfelt appreciation. It was a moment of collective recognition—a recognition of the rich history of Christ Church Malacca, the cultural diversity it embodies, and the enduring legacy it represents.

The grand revival within Christ Church Malacca had not only brought together musicians from distant lands and local ensembles but also a diverse audience of believers and music enthusiasts. It was a testament to the universal language of music, capable of bridging gaps and fostering a sense of unity and harmony among people of different backgrounds.

In the aftermath of the grand revival, Christ Church Malacca continued to flourish as a center for musical and spiritual enrichment. The concert had breathed new life into the historic walls, rejuvenating the community's connection to the church and reminding them of its significance in their lives.

The symphony of faith and harmony that resounded within Christ Church Malacca that unforgettable evening served as a reminder of the enduring power of music to inspire, uplift, and bring people together. It was a testament to the timeless beauty of the church, a place where the threads of history, faith, and music seamlessly interweave, creating an everlasting tapestry of wonder and awe.

5: The Heartfelt Gratitude

As the final notes faded into the night, a wave of profound gratitude swept over the people of Malacca. They stood united, privileged to witness such an auspicious international event for the very first time in the church's illustrious history. The revival concert breathed new life into the wondrous chronicles of Christ Church Malacca, reigniting a sense of pride and connection among all who attended.

The heartfelt gratitude emanated from every corner of the church, touching the hearts of those who had experienced the transformative power of the concert. The people of Malacca, both residents and visitors alike, were deeply moved by the grand revival within the sacred walls of Christ Church. It was a moment that would be etched in their memories forever.

The significance of the event was not lost on the attendees. They recognized that they were witnessing history in the making—a rare convergence of international talent, local community spirit, and the timeless beauty of Christ Church. It was a reminder of the church's enduring legacy and its deep-rooted connection to the community.

The gratitude expressed by the people of Malacca was twofold. Firstly, they were grateful for the opportunity to experience such a remarkable musical event within the historical and spiritual confines of Christ Church. The ethereal voices of the Haileybury Chamber Choir, the enchanting melodies of The Malacca State Boys' Brigade Wind Band, and the local bands that added their jubilant tunes—all combined to create an atmosphere of sheer wonder and awe. It was an experience that touched the souls of those present and left an indelible mark on their hearts.

Secondly, the people of Malacca were grateful for the revitalization that the concert brought to their beloved Christ Church. The event rekindled a sense of pride in their heritage and a renewed connection to the church's legacy. It served as a reminder of the importance of preserving and cherishing the historical and cultural treasures that had shaped their community.

The heartfelt gratitude extended to all those who made the grand revival possible. The Haileybury Chamber Choir, who had traveled from afar to share their musical talents, were commended for their awe-inspiring performances. The local musicians, including The Malacca State Boys' Brigade Wind Band, The Christ Church Malacca Festive Band, and The 1st Malacca Boys' Brigade Brass Band, were praised for their contributions in weaving a musical tapestry that transcended boundaries.

The organizers of the event, along with the dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, were also celebrated for their commitment and passion in making the grand revival a resounding success. Their efforts had not only brought the concert to fruition but had also revived the spirit of Christ Church and united the community in a shared appreciation of music and heritage.

The heartfelt gratitude expressed by the people of Malacca reverberated through the community, fostering a renewed sense of pride and belonging. It served as a reminder of the importance of preserving and nurturing the rich history and cultural heritage of Christ Church Malacca for future generations.

 Great Is Thy Faithfulness - A Poem in Honor of Christ Church Malacca

Oh, Christ Church, Malacca, your faithfulness sublime,

For 270 years, a beacon in the midst of time.

Inscribed within your walls, the stories of devotion,

Resounding hymns of praise and sacred emotions.

Great is thy faithfulness, through Dutch and British reign,

You weathered storms and triumphs, forever to remain.

From the Straits of Malacca, where cultures intertwine,

Your steadfast presence, an eternal sign.

The Christian Musical Concert, a reverie so grand,

Embraced by Malaccans, across this sacred land.

We extend our deepest thanks to all who played a part,

Your donations and support, cherished from the heart.

With each melodious note and harmonious refrain,

The history of Christ Church, Malacca, we reclaim.

Great is thy faithfulness, a symphony of grace,

Reviving ancient spirits, filling every sacred space.

Oh, Christ Church, Malacca, we stand in awe,

For this grand revival, we humbly offer our applause.

Great is thy faithfulness, a resplendent light,

Guiding generations, through day and darkest night.

As we bid farewell to this extraordinary event,

May Christ Church, Malacca, remain forever heaven-sent.

In your embrace, our spirits find solace and love,

Great is thy faithfulness, blessed from above.

We express our heartfelt gratitude for your presence and active participation in this Musical Concert. We sincerely hope that you were touched by the divine message delivered through the music.

This Christian Musical Concert is skillfully organized by Rev. Tom Cherian, a respected Southern Region Priest and Pastor of the Anglican Church. Assisting him is Simon Choong, the proficient Music Coordinator from the Malacca State Boys' Brigade Band. Together, they have orchestrated an extraordinary event that promises to be a memorable experience for all attendees.

1.   Haileybury Chamber Choir, UK

Haileybury is a prestigious educational institution known for its academic selectivity. It is a co-educational public school catering to students aged 11 to 18 years. Positioned in Hertfordshire, England, between the vibrant cities of London and Cambridge, Haileybury offers both boarding and day school options. With its affiliation to the Church of England (Anglican Church) and the Bishop of St. Albans as its President, the school maintains strong ties to its religious roots.

The Haileybury Chamber Choir, consisting of 27 skilled members, is carefully selected from the School's Chapel Choir. This talented ensemble has garnered recognition, having been voted one of the top three school choirs in the UK by the BBC on multiple occasions in the past.

2.     The Malacca State Boys' Brigade Wind Band

The Malacca State Combined Boys' Brigade Wind Band consists of 50 talented members hailing from four different companies: Tranquerah, Bukit Beruang, Sungai Rambai, and Merlimau. The band is proudly sponsored by local Methodist churches. Additionally, we are honored to have a guest company from Muar, sponsored by the Trinity Presbyterian Church, joining us. Last year, the band had the privilege of performing as a 70-member ensemble at the Malacca State Christmas Celebration held at Jonker Street. This year, we had the pleasure of showcasing our talents at the National Boys' Brigade Dinner Celebration, hosted at the A Famosa Resort in Malacca.

3.     The 1st Malacca Boys Brigade Brass Band

The 1st Malacca Boys Brigade Brass Band is a dynamic ensemble comprising 12 talented members from the Anglo-Chinese School, Tranquerah. The band receives sponsorship from the Wesley Methodist Church in Tranquerah, Malacca.

4.   The Christ Church Festive Worship Band

The Festive Worship Band of Christ Church, Malacca, initially formed for special celebrations and public events, has evolved into a talented group of 15 members. This diverse worship band comprises musicians from the English and Chinese congregations of Christ Church, as well as members from the Bahasa Malaysia Congregation at St. David's Church in Sungai Udang, and Christian friends of the Event Coordinators.
The band lineup includes Mr. Kok Kee Boon on piano, Miss Anita Chong on keyboard, Mr. Samson Ho, Mrs. Pang-Huan Po Ann, and Miss Cheryllyn Liew on violin, Mr. Rueben Boaz on drums, Mr. Roystein Patrick on bass guitar, Mr. Felix Bain as the lead guitarist, Mr. Dylan Rose Deli as the rhythm guitarist, Mr. Indra Leonara on semi-acoustic guitar, and vocalists Mrs. Veronica Shanti Cherian, Mr. Andrew Ee, and Mrs. Elizabeth Chuah-Khoo.

Personal acknowledgement

I extend my sincerest gratitude and recognition to the contributors who have provided us with their valuable pictures and videos. Your generosity in sharing your work is truly appreciated.

I am also immensely grateful and would like to express my deepest appreciation to my thoughtful neighbor, Felicia Gee. Despite the heavy congestion this evening, she selflessly dedicated her time and made a tremendous effort to drive me to this musical concert. Her support, assistance, kindness and consideration are truly remarkable. 

Undoubtedly, there are numerous individuals whose names are too abundant to mention in this limited space. However, I am certain that the Lord knows each and every one of you by name. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to all of you, and I praise the Lord for your invaluable contributions.
May you continue to inspire others and carry out your commendable endeavors for mankind and eternity. Let all glory be bestowed upon our Lord.


Sunday, June 18, 2023

2023 Jun 17 th Sat Celebrating Unity and Cultural Richness

The 2023 International Traditional Chinese Culture Day

We stand in awe and gratitude as we commemorate a truly memorable day, one that brought together the celebration of Fathers' Day, the auspicious and the exceptional Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival. It was an honor to gather at Lucky Palace Restaurant in Ayer Keroh, Melaka, surrounded by esteemed leaders, passionate volunteers, and a community united in cultural appreciation.

The day began with a burst of energy as we embarked on the preparation of 2,000 delectable "Bak Chang." Wrapping and cooking these traditional rice dumplings was not merely a culinary exercise but an act that showcased the meticulousness and dedication of our community. Led by our beloved MP of Ayer Keroh, YB Mr. Kerk, we distributed these savory delights to our neighborhood, spreading joy and cultural significance.

The opening ceremony, graced by the esteemed Chief Minister, YAB Datuk Seri Rauf Bin Yusof, set the stage for a day filled with enchantment. The Traditional Chinese Cultural Association of Melaka, the event's organizer, displayed their commitment and passion for preserving the Chinese cultural heritage. Our heartfelt appreciation extends to Lucky Palace Restaurant and all the sponsors for their invaluable support.

A sumptuous lunch awaited us, accompanied by captivating cultural performances. The mesmerizing Dragon dances enraptured our senses, their vibrant movements symbolizing strength, fortune, and unity. The "Bian Mian" or Changing Face performances dazzled the audience, leaving us in awe of the skill and artistry behind this centuries-old tradition.

As the Chief Minister delivered his inspiring speech, we were enlightened, reminded of the importance of cultural unity and the richness it brings to our society. This celebration was a testament to the profound impact that cultural events have in fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation among diverse communities.

The Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival of 2023 concluded with heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgment. A session of photography captured the cherished memories we created together, forever immortalizing this remarkable day. Awards were presented to the leaders and organizers who dedicated their time and effort to make this event a resounding success. Their commitment and hard work have left an indelible mark on the hearts of the community.

We are deeply grateful for all the contributors and our esteemed leaders who have shown unwavering commitment and dedication. Melaka is truly fortunate to have leaders who embody the spirit and essence of the residents they serve. We raise our voices in a resounding cheer, wishing them good health and a long reign, as they continue to inspire and lead with their hearts.

Today, we express our profound gratitude for the privilege of celebrating this auspicious event together. It serves as a testament to the power of unity, cultural preservation, and the unwavering commitment of our leaders and community members. We cherish the memories and experiences shared during this celebration and hold them close to our hearts as a reminder of the strength and beauty that arises from embracing our diverse heritage.

As we reflect upon the 2023 International Chinese Culture Day, let us carry the spirit of unity, gratitude, and cultural appreciation with us. May this event inspire us to continue nurturing the rich tapestry of our diverse community, fostering understanding, and embracing the traditions that bind us.

Poem on "Bak Chang":

Wrapped in bamboo leaves, a savory surprise,

Bak Chang's aroma fills the skies.

Steamed with care, a culinary delight,

Each bite transports us to a taste bud's flight.

Glutinous rice, a tender embrace,

Enveloped by flavors, a symphony of taste.

Meat and spices, a harmonious blend,

With every morsel, memories descend.

Generations past, their hands at play,

Preserving traditions, a timeless array.

A gift of love, from ancestors old,

The tales they tell, in each fold.

From kitchen hearths to dining tables,

A treasure shared, a family fable.

With nimble fingers, the art unfurls,

Crafting parcels, their stories twirls.

Oh, Bak Chang, a culinary treasure,

A symbol of heritage, a taste to measure.

In every bite, we savor the past,

A connection to roots that forever last.

    Bak Chang's  Ingredients, Meat, Mushroom, Chestnut, White bean, and Rice with Spices.

Poem on "Bian Mian" (Changing Face):

Masks of mystery, a captivating dance,

Bian Mian, enchanting us at a glance.

Faces concealed, a secret to behold,

In rapid succession, stories unfold.

With a swift flick, colors transform,

Emotions hidden, behind each norm.

Expressions change, like the shifting tide,

A mesmerizing performance, a wondrous ride.

Bian Mian, a glimpse into the soul,

Embodying characters, each with a role.

A master's skill, an artistry profound,

Faces changing, without a sound.

Through layers and layers, emotions unveil,

The mask's allure, a tale to prevail.

In fluid motion, the masks express,

A tapestry of emotions, no words can impress.

Lions Dance and Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival 2023:

Amidst cheers and drums, the lions prance,

In rhythmic harmony, they commence.

Their mighty roars echo far and wide,

Awakening spirits, filling us with pride.

With vibrant colors, they come alive,

Symbols of luck, blessings they derive.

Graceful movements, a spectacle to see,

Unifying hearts, a spirit wild and free.

In the Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival's embrace,

Diverse traditions find their rightful place.

A tapestry woven, of heritage and art,

We celebrate unity, with every part.

From Bak Chang's embrace to Bian Mian's grace,

And the Lions Dance's powerful chase,

We honor the past and embrace the new,

Cultural unity, a cherished value we pursue.

In this grand celebration, together we stand,

United by culture, hand in hand.

With gratitude and joy, our hearts do swell,

For the richness of traditions, we proudly tell.

The 2023 International Chinese Culture Day,

A day of unity, where memories will stay.

We thank our leaders, contributors, and more,

For a celebration that our hearts adore.

May the spirit of cultural appreciation live on,

In the hearts of many, from dusk till dawn.

Let us continue to cherish and embrace,

The beauty of diversity, with love and grace.

As the curtains draw close on the Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival of 2023,

We are left with memories and gratitude that will forever be a part of our story.

In the hallowed halls of Lucky Palace Restaurant, Ayer Keroh, Melaka,

We gathered to celebrate, united in the richness of our cultural tapestry.

From the early hours of the day, the aroma of "Bak Chang" filled the air,

As volunteers wrapped and cooked with utmost care.

The beloved MP of Ayer Keroh, YB Mr. Kerk, led the way,

Distributing these delectable delights, spreading joy throughout the day.

The momentous occasion truly began with the opening ceremony,

Graced by the presence of Chief Minister YAB Datuk Seri Rauf Bin Yusof, so honorary.

The Traditional Chinese Cultural Association of Melaka, our guiding force,

Together with sponsors and volunteers, set the stage for a day of cultural discourse.

A sumptuous lunch awaited, a feast fit for kings,

Accompanied by the mesmerizing Dragon dances, their movements with power it brings.

"Bian Mian" or Changing Face performances added to the spectacle,

As faces transformed, leaving us in awe and making our spirits tickle.

Honorable guests and audiences alike were captivated by the Chief Minister's speech,

Enlightening us with his words, reminding us of cultural unity within reach.

And as the carnival reached its crescendo, with photographing sessions and awards,

We acknowledged the leaders and organizers, their dedication never goes untoward.

Gratitude fills our hearts for all the contributors, sponsors, and volunteers,

Whose unwavering commitment and hard work made this event a success, so clear.

Melaka is truly blessed to have leaders with the heart of the residents,

Their unwavering support and passion show us their true essence.

We raise our voices in cheer, wishing them good health and reign,

For their contributions have brought our community together, with no refrain.

The 2023 International Chinese Culture Day, a celebration of unity and inspiration,

A testament to the power of cultural appreciation and collaboration.

In this auspicious event, we stand united, hand in hand,

Grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our heritage, across the land.

Let us carry the spirit of this day, forever in our hearts,

Embracing diversity, preserving traditions, and playing our parts.

As the echoes of the carnival fade away,

The memories we hold dear will forever stay.

We express our gratitude and honor with pride,

For the privilege to celebrate, side by side.

The Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival of 2023,

A moment of unity, cultural enrichment, and glory.

With deep appreciation, we bid farewell,

Until we gather again, our stories to tell.

    Awarding the leaders for their contributions and efforts.

    Chief Minister enjoying every moment ....

    Volunteers working hard to meet the targets for the celebration.

    Lunch with Angie, Sherry Lim, Christine Ho.

  Volunteers with  Ayer Keroh, Melaka, MP YB Kerk

Friday, June 09, 2023

Happy Father's Day

 Celebrating Fatherhood: The History and Traditions of Father's Day


Happy Father's Day is an occasion dedicated to honoring and celebrating fathers, paternal bonds, and the positive influence they have on their families and society. This special day has a rich history that spans over a century and has evolved into a global celebration. Let's delve into the origins of Father's Day, how it started, and the various ways it has been celebrated throughout history.

Origins of Father's Day:

The exact origins of Father's Day are somewhat disputed, as there are multiple theories regarding its beginnings. One of the earliest records of honoring fathers dates back to ancient Babylon, where a young boy named Elmesu carved a Father's Day message on a clay tablet over 4,000 years ago. However, the modern concept of Father's Day emerged in the early 20th century in the United States.

The Birth of Father's Day in the United States:

The credit for the establishment of Father's Day as an official holiday goes to Sonora Smart Dodd. Inspired by Mother's Day, she sought to create a day dedicated to fathers as well. In 1909, Dodd's efforts bore fruit when she celebrated the first Father's Day in Spokane, Washington. This event was held on June 19th to coincide with her father's birthday, who was a Civil War veteran and had single-handedly raised six children after their mother passed away.

Recognition and Spread of Father's Day:

The initial celebration of Father's Day gained gradual popularity, with several states in the United States proclaiming it an official observance. However, it was not until 1972, during the presidency of Richard Nixon, that Father's Day became a national holiday in the United States. Beyond American borders, the idea of honoring fathers spread to various countries around the world, with each nation adopting its unique customs and dates to celebrate this occasion.

Global Celebration and Traditions:

Happy Father's Day is celebrated on different dates worldwide, often associated with historical or cultural significance. In most countries, including the United States, Happy Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. However, some countries commemorate it on different days. For instance, in Australia, Happy Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September, while in Russia, it falls on February 23rd, known as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The way Happy Father's Day is celebrated also varies across cultures. Common traditions include giving gifts, such as cards, tools, clothing, or gadgets, as tokens of appreciation. Special meals or outings with the family are often planned to honor fathers and spend quality time together. Additionally, community events, sports activities, and charity initiatives are organized to recognize the importance of fathers in society.

The Essence of Father's Day:

Happy Father's Day serves as an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for the love, support, and guidance fathers provide. It is a time to acknowledge the sacrifices made and the invaluable role fathers play in shaping the lives of their children. Beyond biological fathers, this day also celebrates father figures, stepfathers, grandfathers, and all those who fulfill the nurturing and mentoring roles in a child's life.


Happy Father's Day is a heartfelt celebration that acknowledges the contributions of fathers worldwide. From its modest beginnings in the United States to becoming a global observance, Happy Father's Day has become a significant occasion for expressing love, gratitude, and respect. Regardless of the date or cultural customs, the essence of Happy Father's Day remains constant—a day to honor and cherish the paternal bonds that enrich our lives. So, this Happy Father's Day, let's celebrate and acknowledge the fathers who have made a positive impact, shaping us into the individuals we are today.

In honor of Happy Father's Day, here's a heartfelt poem celebrating the amazing fathers who have made dreams and life wonderful:

To the Fathers Who Make Dreams Come True

With steady hands and hearts so true,

You guide us through life's great unknown.

You're the rock on which we stand,

A guiding light, our very own.

On this special day, we gather near,

To honor the fathers we hold dear.

For you have shaped our lives with care,

In every moment, always there.

In childhood days, you'd lift us high,

Teaching us to reach for the sky.

With laughter, games, and joyful cheer,

You made our dreams feel oh so near.

You taught us strength and how to fight,

To never give up, to seek the light.

You showed us what it means to be strong,

And that love can right every wrong.

Through thick and thin, you lend a hand,

A constant presence, a firm demand.

Your wisdom flows in every word,

With lessons shared, our spirits stirred.

You work so hard, both day and night,

Providing for us, a shining light.

Your sacrifices, often unseen,

Have made our lives a blessed dream.

You've wiped our tears, embraced our fears,

You've cheered us on throughout the years.

You've taught us kindness, empathy too,

To live with grace, in all we do.

So, on this day, we gather 'round,

To celebrate the love we've found.

To honor you, our fathers dear,

For all the joy you bring each year.

We raise a toast, with love and cheer,

To fathers who have brought us here.

For you are cherished, tried, and true,

We're grateful for the dreams you've made come true.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing fathers out there.!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and many European countries. The day is meant to honor mothers and mother figures for their contributions to their families and society as a whole.

The modern version of Mother's Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother, Ann Jarvis, who had worked to establish "Mother's Day Work Clubs" to improve public health. Anna Jarvis campaigned for the holiday to become official, and by 1914, President Woodrow Wilson had declared Mother's Day a national holiday.

However, the celebration of mothers and motherhood dates back much further, with ancient Greeks and Romans holding festivals in honor of their maternal goddesses, and Christians celebrating "Mothering Sunday" in the UK since the 16th century.

To all the mothers out there,

You are the sun in our sky,

The beating of our hearts,

The rock that we lean on,

When our worlds fall apart.

You give us love unconditionally,

And guide us through our days,

You teach us right from wrong,

And show us kindness in so many ways.

Your love is like a warm embrace,

That carries us through life,

You are our shelter from the storm,

And the beacon in the night.

We thank you for your boundless love,

And the mercy that you show,

For all the sacrifices you make,

And the kindness that you bestow.

So here's to all the mothers out there,

We celebrate you today,

For all the love and joy you bring,

In so many countless ways.

You are the nurturer of our dreams,

The one who sees our potential,

You believe in us when we falter,

And help us rise again, essential.

You are the one who stays up late,

To comfort us when we're ill,

You put our needs before your own,

And love us with a love that's real.

Your strength and courage inspire us,

To be the best we can be,

You have shown us what true love is,

And for that, we are so lucky.

So to all the mothers out there,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

For all the sacrifices you make,

And for being there from the start.

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mothers out there,

We celebrate you and your unwavering love and care.

Monday, May 01, 2023


Happy Wesak Day is an important religious holiday celebrated by Buddhists worldwide. It is also known as Vesak or Buddha Day and marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.Wesak Day is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Vesakha, which usually falls in May.

Wesak Day is also a time for Buddhists to come together as a community and celebrate their shared beliefs and values. In many countries, Wesak Day is celebrated with parades, cultural performances, and other public.

The origins of Happy Wesak Day can be traced back to ancient India, where the Buddha lived and taught over 2,500 years ago. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha was born on the full moon day of Vesakha, achieved enlightenment on the same day, and passed away on the same day as well. Therefore, Wesak Day is a celebration of these three significant events in the life of the Buddha.

The exact date of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death is not known with certainty. However, based on lunar calculations, Wesak Day is celebrated on the first full moon day of May in most countries, although some countries such as Sri Lanka and Thailand may celebrate it on different dates.

The celebration of Wesak Day is believed to have started during the time of Emperor Ashoka in India, who was a follower of Buddhism and helped spread the religion throughout his empire. Wesak Day became a public holiday in India during Ashoka's reign, and it gradually spread to other countries where Buddhism was practiced.

The significance of Wesak Day for Buddhists is multifaceted. Firstly, it is a time for Buddhists to reflect on the life and teachings of the Buddha, who is considered to be the greatest teacher in Buddhism. Secondly, it is a time for Buddhists to reaffirm their commitment to the Eightfold Path, which is the path to enlightenment taught by the Buddha. Thirdly, it is a time for Buddhists to cultivate loving-kindness, compassion, and generosity towards all sentient beings.

The celebration of Happy Wesak Day varies in different countries and Buddhist communities. In some countries, such as Sri Lanka,  Wesak Day is a public holiday, and Buddhists engage in various religious activities such as attending temple services, lighting lamps, and offering food to monks. In other countries, such as Thailand, Wesak Day is celebrated with processions and street festivals, where people wear traditional costumes and carry colorful lanterns.

One of the most significant aspects of Wesak Day is the ritual of bathing the Buddha. This ritual is based on the story of the Buddha's birth, where he was said to have been born under a tree and immediately took seven steps, while lotus flowers bloomed under his feet. According to tradition, when the Buddha was born, the heavens opened, and the gods and goddesses descended to bathe him with perfumed water.

To commemorate this event, Buddhists pour water over the statue of the Buddha, symbolizing the purification of the mind and the washing away of negative thoughts and emotions. This ritual is often accompanied by chanting and meditation.

Another important aspect of Wesak Day is the practice of giving. Buddhists believe that giving is one of the most important virtues and that it helps to cultivate generosity, kindness, and compassion. Therefore, on Wesak Day, Buddhists engage in acts of charity and donate food, clothing, and other necessities to those in need.

In addition to these practices, Buddhists also engage in meditation and prayer on Wesak Day. Meditation is an essential part of Buddhism, and it is believed to help cultivate mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. Buddhists also recite sutras and chant mantras as a way of showing devotion to the Buddha and seeking blessings and guidance.

What is the Eightfold Path?

The Eightfold Path is a central teaching in Buddhism, and it is the path to enlightenment that was taught by the Buddha. It consists of eight interconnected practices that help individuals develop wisdom, morality, and mental discipline. These practices include Right Understanding, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. By following the Eightfold Path, individuals can cultivate inner peace, wisdom, and compassion, and ultimately achieve the goal of enlightenment.

The eight practices in the Eightfold Path:

  1. Right Understanding: This practice involves developing a deep understanding of the nature of reality, including the concept of impermanence and the causes of suffering. It also involves recognizing the Four Noble Truths and the interconnectedness of all things.
  1. Right Intention: This practice involves developing wholesome intentions, such as renunciation, compassion, and goodwill, and letting go of negative intentions, such as greed, hatred, and delusion.
  1. Right Speech: This practice involves speaking truthfully, kindly, and beneficially. It also involves avoiding harmful speech, such as lying, gossiping, and divisive speech.
  1. Right Action: This practice involves acting in ways that are ethical and compassionate. It includes refraining from harming living beings, stealing, and engaging in sexual misconduct.
  1. Right Livelihood: This practice involves earning a living in a way that is ethical and does not harm others. It involves avoiding jobs that involve harming living beings or engaging in unethical practices.
  1. Right Effort: This practice involves making a diligent effort to cultivate wholesome states of mind and to let go of unwholesome states of mind. It involves developing mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom.
  1. Right Mindfulness: This practice involves being present and aware in the present moment. It involves developing awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, as well as developing an awareness of the impermanence of all things.
  1. Right Concentration: This practice involves developing the ability to focus the mind and to attain deep states of concentration. It involves developing mental discipline through practices such as meditation.

By following these eight practices, individuals can develop inner peace, wisdom, and compassion, and ultimately achieve the goal of enlightenment. The Eightfold Path is a central teaching in Buddhism and is considered to be one of the most important paths to achieving spiritual liberation.

The Eightfold Path, The Way To Enlightenment,

A journey of the heart and mind, a spiritual ascent.

A path of wisdom, morality, and mental discipline,

To cultivate peace, compassion, and inner kin.

Right Understanding, the first step we take,

To see the nature of things, our illusions to break.

Recognizing the Four Noble Truths, the root of all strife,

And the interconnectedness of all things in life.

Right Intention, the second step on this way,

Developing wholesome thoughts, negative ones to sway.

Renunciation, compassion, and goodwill in our heart,

Letting go of greed, hatred, and delusion, a fresh start.

Right Speech, the third step we walk,

Speaking truthfully, kindly, and beneficial talk.

Avoiding harmful speech, gossiping, and lies,

Building trust and respect, removing all disguise.

Right Action, the fourth step we stride,

Acting ethically, compassion our guide.

Refraining from harming living beings, stealing, and sex,

Cultivating empathy and generosity, this is our flex.

Right Livelihood, the fifth step we take,

Earning a living that does not harm or forsake.

Avoiding jobs that involve harming or killing,

Supporting life, compassion filling.

Right Effort, the sixth step we climb,

To cultivate wholesome states, let go of unwholesome slime.

Developing mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom too,

Mental discipline through practice, to see things anew.

Right Mindfulness, the seventh step we ascend,

Being present, aware, in the moment to comprehend.

Awareness of thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensation,

And the impermanence of all things, a divine revelation.

Right Concentration, the eighth step we attain,

To focus the mind, deep states of meditation to maintain.

Developing mental discipline and tranquility,

To cultivate peace, wisdom, and spirituality.

The Eightfold Path, The Way To Enlightenment,

A journey of the heart and mind, a spiritual ascent.

A path of wisdom, morality, and mental discipline,

To cultivate peace, compassion, and inner kin.