Friday, February 10, 2023

2023 Feb 11 The Mulberry Tree and its Fruits of Love

Nature is a beautiful and wondrous thing, full of surprises and secrets waiting to be discovered. And one of its secrets is the mulberry tree, a tree that not only provides us with delicious fruit, but also teaches us about the power of love. The mulberry tree is not just a tree, but a symbol of the boundless capacity of love to transform and grow, to nourish and sustain, to bring joy and happiness into our lives.

The mulberry tree is a deciduous tree that is native to temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America. It is widely cultivated for its sweet, juicy, and nutritious berries, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. The tree itself is a tall and sturdy one, with a rounded crown and a sturdy trunk. Its leaves are large and lush, and they provide a dense canopy of shade, making the tree a popular choice for parks and gardens.

But the mulberry tree is not just any ordinary tree. It is a tree that grows out of love, a love that is nurtured and sustained by the care and attention of its caretaker. The tree requires regular pruning, watering, and fertilizing in order to grow healthy and strong, and its caretaker must be patient and dedicated in order to provide it with the love and care it needs to thrive.

It is a love that bears fruit, not just in the form of delicious mulberries, but also in the form of happiness, joy, and fulfillment. The tree provides us with a sense of peace and tranquility, reminding us of the beauty and wonder of nature, and of the importance of cherishing and protecting it. The fruit of the mulberry tree is a symbol of love, a love that is shared and spread, a love that grows and multiplies, a love that transforms and enriches our lives.

The fruit of the mulberry tree is not just any ordinary fruit. It is a fruit that is shaped like a heart, a heart that is a symbol of love and affection, a heart that expresses the deep and abiding love that we feel for those who are important to us. The fruit of the mulberry tree is a gift of love, a gift that we can share with those we love, a gift that brings happiness and joy into our lives.

And just as the mulberry tree requires love and care to grow and thrive, so too do our relationships and our love for others. Relationships require effort and dedication, patience and understanding, communication and compassion, in order to grow and strengthen. And just as the tree provides us with nourishment and sustenance, so too do our relationships provide us with the support and comfort we need to live our lives to the fullest.

The fruit of the mulberry tree is a reminder of the power of love, a power that can change our lives and our world, a power that can bring people together and create bonds that last a lifetime. Love is a transformative force, and it has the power to heal and to bring happiness and fulfillment into our lives. And just as the tree grows and thrives with love, so too can our relationships and our love for others grow and flourish, if we nurture and care for them.

In conclusion, the mulberry tree is more than just a tree, it is a symbol of the power and beauty of love. Its fruit is a reminder of the love that we feel for those who are important to us, a love that is shaped like a heart and that brings happiness and joy into our lives. And just as the tree requires love and care to grow and thrive, so too do our relationships and our love for others. Let us cherish and protect the mulberry tree and its fruits of love, and let us nurture and care for our relationships, so that they too may grow and flourish, and bring happiness and fulfillment into our lives. May we always remember the power of love, and may it continue to inspire and guide us, as we journey through life.

A tree stands tall, its branches spread,
Its leaves provide shade overhead.
It grows with care, with love, with grace,
Its fruit a symbol of its place.

The mulberry tree, a symbol so true,
Of the love that can transform and grow,
With patience and dedication, we know,
It will bear fruit, sweet and ripe, for us to show.

Its heart-shaped fruit, a gift so dear,
A symbol of the love we hold so near,
That we share with those we hold so dear,
Bringing joy and happiness, year after year.

And just like the tree, our love will thrive,
With effort, patience, and understanding in our lives,
For relationships require care, just like the tree,
To bring happiness and fulfillment, for you and me.

So let us cherish and protect this love,
This power that can change our lives above,
And nurture our relationships, with all our might,
For the power of love will always bring us light.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

2023 Feb 14 Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, also known as Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is a holiday celebrated on February 14th each year. It is a day to express love and affection to those close to you, typically through the giving of gifts, such as flowers, chocolates, and cards. The holiday has its roots in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated in mid-February and honored the god of fertility.

The day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. During this time, it was believed that Saint Valentine was a popular saint who performed secret marriages for Christian couples during a time when the Roman Empire banned the practice. Saint Valentine was eventually imprisoned and executed for his beliefs, and his death on February 14th has become associated with the celebration of love and affection.

One of the most popular gifts given on Valentine's Day is flowers, with red roses being a traditional symbol of love and affection. Chocolates are also a popular gift, and many people take their partners out for a romantic dinner or prepare a special meal at home. Cards, both store-bought and homemade, are also common gifts, and many people write heartfelt messages to express their love and affection to their loved ones.

In recent years, the celebration of Valentine's Day has become increasingly commercialized, with many stores offering special deals and promotions on gifts and romantic packages. However, the true meaning of the holiday remains the expression of love and affection to those close to you, and many people choose to celebrate in more personal and meaningful ways, such as taking a walk in nature, writing a love letter, or simply spending quality time with their loved ones.

Lastly, Valentine's Day is a holiday that has been celebrated for centuries and continues to be a special day for people to express love and affection to those close to them. Whether you choose to celebrate with a big gesture or a simple act of love, the true meaning of the holiday remains the expression of love and affection to those you care about.

What is the meaning of Valentine?

The name "Valentine" is derived from the Latin word "Valentinus," which means "strong, healthy, or worthy." Saint Valentine was a popular saint in the early Christian Church, and his name became associated with the celebration of love and affection that takes place on February 14th each year. There are several Saint Valentines in the history of the Church, but the most popular Valentine is Saint Valentine of Rome, who was imprisoned for performing weddings for Christian couples during a time when the Roman Empire banned the practice. He is said to have been martyred on February 14th, which is why the day is associated with love and affection.

Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, and is widely recognized as a day to express love and affection to those close to you. People typically celebrate by sending cards, giving gifts, and expressing their feelings of love and affection to their partners, friends, and family.

Why 14th Feb ?

February 14th, was chosen as the date for Valentine's Day because it was believed to be the day of Saint Valentine's death. According to legend, Saint Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for performing marriages for Christian couples during a time when the Roman Empire banned the practice. While in prison, it is said that he became friends with the jailer's daughter and healed her of her blindness. Before he was executed, he is said to have sent her a letter signed "Your Valentine," which is where the tradition of sending love letters and cards on Valentine's Day may have originated.

In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as Saint Valentine's feast day and it has been celebrated as a Christian holiday ever since. Over time, the holiday evolved to become associated with romantic love and affection, and today it is widely recognized as a day to express love and affection to those close to you.

My Valentine, you are the light

That shines so bright in my life

With every smile, with every touch

You fill my heart with love so much

Your laughter brings such joy to me

And your kindness sets my spirit free

In your eyes, I find my home

Where I am loved and never alone

You are my rock, my steady ground

With you, my love, my world is found

You bring me joy, you bring me peace

With you, my heart will never cease

So on this day, I want to say

I love you more and more each day

My Valentine, you are my all

I am forever yours, that’s all.

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

2023 Feb 05 Happy Thaipusam Marks the Victory Of Good Over Evil


Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated by the Tamil community in India and around the world, including Malaysia. It takes place on the full moon day in the Tamil month of Thai (usually in January or February) and is a celebration of the victory of good over evil.

The name Thaipusam is derived from the Tamil words "Thai," meaning the name of the Tamil month, and "Pusam," which refers to a particular star in the constellation. The festival marks the victory of Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and victory, over the demon Soorapadman.

During Thaipusam, devotees pay homage to Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war, by carrying kavadis (ornate metal frameworks) or making a pilgrimage on foot to a temple. Some devotees also perform acts of self-mortification, such as piercing their skin with hooks or skewers, as a form of penance and spiritual purification.

In Malaysia, Thaipusam is a major event and is celebrated with much fanfare and religious fervor. Large crowds gather at the Batu Caves temple near Kuala Lumpur, where a procession of devotees carrying kavadis and other offerings makes its way to the temple. The event is accompanied by music, dance, and other festivities, creating a lively and colorful atmosphere.

Thaipusam is not only a religious celebration but also a cultural one, reflecting the rich heritage and traditions of the Tamil community. Despite its sometimes painful and extreme rituals, Thaipusam remains an important and revered event, attracting devotees and visitors from all over the world.


What does Thaipusam symbolize?

Thaipusam is a day of prayers and penance. Dedicated to Lord Subramaniam, also known as Lord Murugan,8 a major South Indian god,9 the deity of youth, power and virtue, this festival is a time for repentance for devotees with celebrations carried out mainly at the temple.

History of Batu Caves Temple

The Batu Caves are a series of limestone caves located in Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia. They are a popular tourist destination and an important Hindu shrine. The caves are named after the Batu River, which flows nearby, and consist of several caverns and smaller caves, including the Temple Cave, Dark Cave, and Museum Cave.

The Batu Caves have a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century, when American naturalist William Hornaday visited the site and discovered the cave system. In 1892, the cave was turned into a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and victory.

Over the years, the Batu Caves have become an important pilgrimage site for Hindu devotees, especially during the Thaipusam festival, when thousands of people gather to pay homage to Lord Murugan and perform acts of devotion. The festival features a procession of devotees carrying kavadis and offerings to the Temple Cave, where they offer prayers and perform rituals.

In recent years, the Batu Caves have undergone extensive renovations and expansion, with the construction of new shrines, monuments, and other facilities. Today, the Batu Caves are a major tourist attraction, attracting visitors from around the world who come to marvel at the beauty of the caves and to experience the rich culture and traditions of the Hindu community in Malaysia.

In conclusion, the Batu Caves are a unique and fascinating site with a rich history and cultural significance. Whether visiting for religious or recreational purposes, the caves are sure to leave a lasting impression and provide a glimpse into Malaysia's diverse and vibrant cultural heritage.

Batu Caves Structure and Architecture

Batu Caves is a famous Hindu temple located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The temple is actually a series of caves and cave temples that are considered to be one of the most popular Hindu shrines outside of India.

The Batu Caves are comprised of three main caves, and the largest of these, known as Temple Cave, is approximately 100 meters wide and 100 meters tall. This cave houses several Hindu shrines and is a popular place of worship for Hindu devotees.

To reach the Temple Cave, visitors must climb a staircase of 272 steps. The staircase is an important feature of the Batu Caves and is a symbol of the journey of spiritual ascent and self-discovery that is said to be at the heart of Hindu philosophy. At the top of the stairs, visitors are greeted with stunning views of the surrounding landscape and the intricate carvings and sculptures that adorn the cave walls.

In addition to the Temple Cave, the Batu Caves also feature several smaller caves, including the Dark Cave, which is known for its unique ecosystem and is a popular destination for ecotourism.

Overall, the Batu Caves are a popular destination for tourists and Hindu devotees alike, attracting millions of visitors each year with its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty.

Challenges Climbing to the Batu Cave Temple 

It is indeed a great challenge to climb to the Batu Cave Temple. Ensure you are fit and prepared for it, as this is not an easy climb though. Visitors climbing the steps to the Batu Cave Temple are often warned to be aware of mischievous monkeys that are known to inhabit the area.

To avoid any unpleasant encounters with these animals, visitors are advised to follow a few simple guidelines:

  1. Do not feed the monkeys: Feeding the monkeys is strictly prohibited, as it can encourage them to approach visitors in search of food. This can lead to aggressive behavior and create a dangerous situation.
  2. Keep your belongings secure: Monkeys are known to be curious and may attempt to steal food, drinks, or other items. Visitors are advised to keep their belongings in a secure and well-protected place, such as a backpack with a zipper.
  3. Avoid direct eye contact: Making direct eye contact with a monkey can be interpreted as a sign of aggression, and may trigger a defensive response. Visitors are advised to avoid direct eye contact and instead, look down or away from the monkey.
  4. Stay calm: If a monkey does approach, it's important to remain calm and avoid any sudden movements. Do not attempt to touch or grab the monkey, as this may trigger an aggressive response.
  5. Seek help from the temple staff: If you feel threatened or uncomfortable, seek assistance from the temple staff. They are trained to handle monkey encounters and can provide guidance and support to visitors.

By following these simple guidelines, visitors can enjoy a safe and peaceful visit to the Batu Cave Temple and avoid any unpleasant encounters with the mischievous monkeys.

What is a Kavadi ?

A kavadi is a type of ceremonial offering used in Hinduism, especially in the Tamil community. It is a decorative and often large metal framework that is carried by devotees during religious festivals and other ceremonies.

Kavadis are used primarily during the Thaipusam festival, when devotees pay homage to Lord Murugan, the Hindu god of war and victory. The kavadi symbolizes the devotee's burden of sin and is seen as a form of penance and spiritual purification. Some kavadis are simple and unadorned, while others are elaborately decorated with intricate designs, colorful beads, and feathers.

Carrying a kavadi is a physical and spiritual challenge, and it is seen as a way for devotees to demonstrate their devotion and faith. Some devotees also perform acts of self-mortification, such as piercing their skin with hooks or skewers, as a form of penance and spiritual purification.

    The kavadi is an important symbol of devotion and spiritual purification in Hinduism, especially in the Tamil community. It is used in a variety of religious ceremonies and is a unique aspect of Hindu culture and tradition.

Thaipusam, a festival so bright,
With devotion and celebration in sight,
Hindu devotees gather near and far,
To pay homage to Lord Murugan's star.

With kavadis on their backs so strong,
They make a pilgrimage, their faith so long,
With each step they take, they feel so pure,
Their spirits lifted, they can endure.

Some pierce their skin, with hooks and skewers,
A form of penance, a spiritual seeker,
But through the pain, their faith remains,
A symbol of their love for the divine.

At the Batu Caves, the crowd does grow,
With music, dance and festivities in tow,
A colorful sight, a joy to behold,
Thaipusam, a festival that never grows old.

So here's to the festival of Thaipusam,
A celebration of devotion and love,
For Lord Murugan and the Tamil culture,
A legacy that will always endure.

Friday, February 03, 2023

2023 Feb 05 Happy Chap Goh Mei 元宵节快乐 15th day of the Lunar New Year

Happy Chap Goh Mei, also known as the 15th day of the Lunar New Year, is a significant day in the Chinese calendar. It is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebrations and marks the end of the festive season. 

On Chap Goh Mei, it is customary for young, unmarried women to participate in a traditional activity called "throwing oranges into the sea". The oranges symbolize good fortune and the women throw them into the sea as a symbol of letting go of the past and making a wish for the future. 

In addition to throwing oranges, Chap Goh Mei is also a time for families to gather and enjoy festive foods, games, and cultural performances. It is a time to celebrate with loved ones and reflect on the past year, while looking forward to a bright future filled with good fortune, prosperity and happiness. 

Chap Goh Mei is a beloved celebration for many people, and it is a time for everyone to come together and spread joy and happiness. Whether you are participating in the tradition of throwing oranges into the sea or simply enjoying the festivities with your loved ones, Chap Goh Mei is a time to celebrate and make lasting memories with those you hold dear. 


The night is filled with laughter and light,
As Chap Goh Mei marks the end of delight.
Young women throw oranges into the sea,
Wishing for love, prosperity and glee.

The tradition holds a special place in our hearts,
Bringing families together, a new start.
It's a time to reflect on the past year,
And look forward to a bright future, filled with cheer.

The oranges symbolize good fortune and love,
Thrown into the sea, like a gift from above.
With each toss, a wish is made,
For a life filled with happiness and peace, unafraid.

So let us celebrate this special day,
With joy in our hearts and love in our way.
Here's to a year of prosperity, peace and delight,
With Chap Goh Mei, a beautiful, unforgettable sight.

















The Festival of Lanterns is here, with a festive atmosphere.

Fireworks and lanterns flash, the garden street is lively.

Every family is happy, music and laughter are ringing.

Enjoying by the river on the bridge, the bright moon shines beautifully.

Delicious food is fragrant, incense and candlelight are shining.

Friends gather and laugh, enjoy the long lanterns together.

Record the good times, the years are quiet and beautiful.

Wish you happiness, with joy in hand for the Festival of Lanterns.

Loud laughter and joy, the Festival of Lanterns night is unforgettable.

Lanterns hang high, fireworks are gorgeous.

Wish you always have a smile, a long life full of happiness.

The Festival of Lanterns is joyful, may blessings reach your side.

The Festival of Lanterns is so beautiful, may you have unlimited happiness.

Lights and lanterns are bright, fireworks are brilliant.

Family and friends are there, laughter never stops.

Wish you happiness and good fortune, the Festival of Lanterns never ends.

Mandarin Oranges, also known as tangerines, are a staple during the Lunar New Year celebrations, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, in many Asian cultures. With their bright color, sweet flavor, and auspicious symbolism, Mandarin Oranges are an integral part of the festivities and are consumed, gifted, and displayed in homes and businesses during this time.

The history of
Mandarin Oranges as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity can be traced back to ancient China. The Chinese word "", for Mandarin Orange, "kam" or "gam", sounds similar to the word for "gold" in Chinese, leading to the belief that these oranges bring wealth and prosperity. The round shape of the oranges is also seen as a symbol of completeness and unity, making them a popular gift to give to friends, family, and business associates.
During the Lunar New Year, Mandarin Oranges are often displayed in bowls or baskets in homes and businesses, with the number of oranges representing the desired number of good wishes for the coming year. In some cultures, the oranges are paired with pomelos, a larger citrus fruit, to symbolize the balance of good and bad fortune in the coming year. The sweet flavour of Mandarin Oranges is believed to represent the hope for a sweet year ahead.
Mandarin Oranges are also a traditional food for the Lunar New Year, eaten whole or used to make sweet syrups and drinks. In many cultures, the giving of Mandarin Oranges is a symbol of good wishes and good fortune, and it is not uncommon for individuals to exchange these fruits as gifts during the New Year celebrations. This tradition of gift-giving is thought to have originated during the Tang Dynasty in China, when Mandarin Oranges were a rare and expensive treat.

Mandarin Oranges indeed play a significant role in the Lunar New Year celebrations in many Asian cultures. With their bright color, sweet flavor, and auspicious symbolism, these fruits have become a staple of the festivities, representing good fortune, prosperity, and the hope for a sweet and harmonious year ahead. Whether displayed in homes and businesses, or gifted to loved ones, Mandarin Oranges continue to be an important part of the Lunar New Year, reminding us of the rich cultural traditions that are celebrated during this time. So, as you enjoy the sweet taste of Mandarin Oranges during the Lunar New Year, take a moment to appreciate their symbolic importance and the good wishes they represent for the coming year.

Mandarin Oranges, oh so sweet,
A burst of sunshine in my hand,
A treat from far-off, foreign land.
The taste is tangy, slightly sour,

A burst of flavor in each hour.
Their hue is bright, a golden hue,
A symbol of good fortune too.
Round, plump and juicy to the touch,

A simple pleasure, not too much.
Eaten whole or squeezed for juice,
Mandarin Oranges, a simple truth.
In times of joy or times of stress,

They bring a smile, a bit of zest.
So let us celebrate this fruit,
Mandarin Oranges, a delicious pursuit.
On your peel, the fragrance meets.

Chap Goh Mei, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, is a significant event celebrated in Malaysia. The festivities were particularly lively this year in Jonker Walk, Melaka, where thousands of locals and tourists gathered to take part in the celebrations.

The main attraction of the evening was the LIVE Lion Dance performances. The spectators enjoyed the colorful, acrobatic and exciting musical performances, They were all enthralled by the skills of the dancers and performers. The lions, symbols of good luck and prosperity, added to the excitement of the evening and set the perfect tone for the rest of the celebrations.

After the lion dances, the sky lit up with a spectacular fireworks display. The vibrant colors and shapes filled the sky, drawing awe-filled gasps from the crowd. The display lasted for several minutes and was the perfect conclusion to an already unforgettable evening.

In addition to the Lion Dances and fireworks, the streets of Jonker Walk were filled with vendors selling traditional foods, drinks, and souvenirs. People from all walks of life strolled the streets, enjoying the festivities and making memories that would last a lifetime.

Overall, the Chap Goh Mei celebrations at Jonker Walk, Melaka, were a huge success and provided a fantastic opportunity for locals and tourists alike to experience the rich culture and traditions of Malaysia. With such a lively atmosphere and so much to see and do, it's no wonder that the event was packed with people eager to be a part of the festivities.


Wednesday, February 01, 2023

2023 Jan 22 nd Sunday Lunar New Year


The Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year 2023 is an exciting time of celebration and reflection for many communities around the world. This annual festival marks the start of the lunar calendar and is celebrated by millions of people, particularly in Asia, where it is considered one of the most important cultural events of the year.
In Chinese culture, the rabbit is associated with gentleness, kindness, and good luck. People born in the year of the rabbit are thought to be intelligent, cultured, and refined, and are believed to be lucky in love and finance. The rabbit is also a symbol of peace and prosperity, making the Year of the Rabbit a time of hope and joy for those who celebrate it.

During the Lunar New Year, families come together to celebrate with feasts, gift exchanges, and traditional activities such as dragon and lion dances, fireworks displays, and temple visits. Children receive red envelopes filled with money from their elders, which is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Homes are decorated with red lanterns and other decorations, and people wear new clothes to mark the start of the new year.

The Year of the Rabbit is also a time to reflect on the past and make plans for the future. Many people use the occasion to think about their goals, both personal and professional, and to make resolutions for the coming year. It is also a time to reconnect with loved ones, to offer forgiveness and to heal old wounds, and to start the year with a clean slate.

The Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year 2023 is a time of hope, joy, and reflection, and is celebrated by millions of people around the world. Whether you are born in the year of the rabbit or not, this festive time is a wonderful opportunity to connect with loved ones, to reflect on the past, and to make plans for the future.

The lunar year is based on the cycles of the moon and falls on a different date each year, usually between January 21st and February 20th. The Year of the Rabbit 2023 is expected to begin on February 10th and will continue for 15 days, ending on February 25th.                                                  

 The Year of the Lunar Rabbit 2023

In the year of the Lunar Rabbit,
Graceful and peaceful is its habit,
With gentle hops and soft white fur,
This symbol of longevity is a blur.

Ears perked up, eyes bright and keen,
The Rabbit brings abundance and serene,
With its calm and tranquil ways,
It brings harmony to all its days.

So let us embrace the Lunar Rabbit's charm,
And welcome in a year of peace, not alarm,
May hamony and prosperity be our guide,
As we journey throught the year with pride.

Let's us Sing to our heart contempt this very New Year Song..!

New Year Joy Song 

Verse 1:
The clock strikes twelve and the fireworks fly
The old year's gone, the new one's alive
With hope and dreams, we raise our glass
To a new beginning, a fresh start at last

Let's sing a song of new year joy
With love and laughter, nothing to annoy
Let's dance and cheer, let our hearts soar
With the promise of a brand new year once more

Verse 2:
The past is gone, the future's unknown
But together we'll face it, we're not alone
With every step, we'll make our way
Towards a brighter tomorrow, come what may

Let's sing a song of new year joy
With love and laughter, nothing to annoy
Let's dance and cheer, let our hearts soar
With the promise of a brand new year once more

Let's leave behind the hurt and pain
And start anew, with love to gain
Let's make memories, to last a lifetime
As we welcome the new year, with joy and pride

So raise your voice and sing it loud
A song of new year joy, we're singing it proud
With open hearts and open arms
We'll embrace the new year, with all its charm.





Translated to English

The Rabbit Lunar New Year has arrived, with joy filling the sky.
Red lanterns are hung high and firecrackers ring out.
Families gather and blessings are exchanged.
The fragrant food brings happiness and makes us forget all worries.

The Rabbit Lunar New Year not only brings happiness but also brings family values.
We eat together, chat and share joyful moments.
The smiles of our loved ones warm our hearts and the gathering of family brings happiness.
Through this holiday, we cherish our family and love our home even more.
The Lunar New Year is a holiday to commemorate family, love and happiness.

The Lunar New Year is also an opportunity to continue traditional culture.
We can maintain tradition through activities such as having a New Year's Eve dinner, watching dragon and lion dances, and wearing traditional New Year attire.
These traditions are not just a form of culture but also a connection of emotions.
They connect us to our history and culture and ensure we never forget our roots.
The Lunar New Year is an opportunity to continue and pass down traditional culture.

The Lunar New Year is also an opportunity to start a new year.
This is a moment to look forward to the future, set new goals and make new decisions.
This is a chance to let go of the past, embrace a new life and start anew, creating new memories.
The Lunar New Year is a time for us to create a better future for ourselves and those around us.

A red packet (also known as a "red envelope" or "红包 hongbao" in Chinese) is a traditional gift given during the Lunar New Year, particularly in East Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. The red color of the packet symbolizes good luck and fortune, and it is typically filled with money as a symbol of prosperity and well-wishing for the recipient.
Red packets are typically given by older generations to children and younger people as a sign of respect and good wishes for the coming year. The act of giving and receiving red packets is seen as a way to bring good luck and happiness, and it is considered an important part of the Lunar New Year celebration.
In addition to being given among family and friends, red packets are also commonly given at work and in business settings, where they are used to build and strengthen relationships between colleagues, clients, and partners.
Overall, the red packet is a central part of the Lunar New Year celebration, and its meaning represents hope, happiness, and good fortune for the coming year.

Red Packet 
红包 Poem

A Red Packet filled with luck and joy,
Given with love, a special token to employ.
It symbolizes good fortune and wealth,
Bringing happiness, peace and good health.

The color red is bold and bright,
Bringing positive energy, warding off any fright.
It's a sign of happiness, good luck and love,
From one heart to another, from up above.

In the Lunar New Year, the tradition holds,
Red packets are exchanged, their stories untold.
It brings families together, bridges the gap,
Creating new memories, cherishing old tales to wrap.

So let's share the love and happiness it brings,
And spread the joy with all good things.
Here's to a year of love, peace and prosperity,
With a Red Packet, a symbol of hope, love and unity.

2022 Nov 5 Sat Wesley Church Christmas Celebration with the Orang Asli Children Ministry

Merry Christmas: A Time for Joy, Love, and Reflection

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are filled with excitement and anticipation. Christmas is a time of year that is steeped in tradition and holds a special place in the hearts of people all over the world. Whether we celebrate with religious fervor or simply enjoy the festive spirit, Christmas has come to represent a time of joy, love, and reflection.

For Christians, Christmas is a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and to celebrate the gift of salvation that He brought into the world. Christians gather with family and friends to attend church services, sing carols, and exchange gifts. For many, the holiday is also a time of reflection, a chance to think about the past year and to make plans for the future.

For those who do not celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, the holiday is still a time of great joy and excitement. Children eagerly anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus and the piles of presents that he brings. Adults enjoy time off from work and the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. Many families come together to share meals and make memories that will last a lifetime.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, it is important to remember the true meaning of Christmas. The holiday is not just about buying gifts or decorating a tree. It is about spending time with the people we love, spreading joy and kindness, and making the world a better place. Whether you celebrate Christmas for religious or secular reasons, the holiday is a time to reach out to those who are less fortunate, to lend a helping hand, and to bring a little bit of light into the world.

Christmas is indeed a time of year that holds special significance for people all over the world. Whether we celebrate with religious fervor or simply enjoy the festive spirit, the holiday is a time of joy, love, and reflection. So, as the holiday season approaches, let us embrace the true meaning of Christmas, spread love and kindness wherever we go, and make the world a better place. Merry Christmas to all  ..!

Merry Christmas, Joy to the World

Merry, merry Christmas, with joy to the world,

We celebrate this day, with peace and good will.

With carols and laughter, and love all around,

The holiday spirit, can truly astound.

From near and from far, people come together,

To spread joy and cheer, now and forever.

With family and friends, we share good food and cheer,

And reflect on the blessings, that this season brings near.

Joy to the world, the Savior has come,

Bringing peace and love, to everyone.

With hearts full of hope, and souls filled with light,

We celebrate this day, with all our might.

So here's to the season, and all that it brings,

To laughter and love, and sweet, joyful things.

Merry, merry Christmas, to one and to all,

Let the holiday spirit, be our call.

Christmas Celebration with the Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry: A Heartwarming Experience

The month of December,  is the holiday season; is a time of joy and celebration, and for the Wesley Church, it is a time to give back to the community, especially for the Orang Asli Children Ministry. Each year, the church holds a Christmas celebration for the Orang Asli children, an indigenous people of Malaysia. The celebration is a heartwarming experience that brings together people of different cultures and backgrounds, and is a testament to the power of love and generosity.

The celebration begins with a prayer by our Rev. Teoh Lee Ying, where members of the Orang Asli Children community come together to sing carols, pray, and hear a message of hope and peace. After the service, the festivities move in the hall, where there is games, Christmas card drawings and activities for the children. The children are especially excited, as they receive gifts and treats from the church and foster parents.

The Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry is dedicated to serving the needs of the Orang Asli community. The ministry provides education, health care, and other support services, and works to improve the lives of the people they serve. The Christmas celebration is a way for the ministry to show their love and appreciation for the Orang Asli, and to bring the community together for a day of joy and celebration.

For those who attend the celebration, the experience is truly unforgettable. The love and kindness that is displayed is a testament to the power of Christmas, and the generosity of the Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry. The celebration brings people together, and provides a sense of community and belonging. It is a reminder of what the holiday season is truly about: spreading love, kindness, and hope to those in need.

This Christmas celebration with the Wesley Church Orang Asli Children Ministry is indeed a heartwarming experience that fosters and brings together people of different cultures and backgrounds. The celebration is a testament to the power of love and generosity, and is a reminder of the meaning of Christmas and what the holiday season is truly about. The ministry's dedication to serving the needs of the Orang Asli community is an inspiration to us all, and we can all learn a lesson from their unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

Programme for Christmas Activity at OA hostel on Saturday, 5 Nov 2022

DG representatives may gather at the church at 8.50am and car pool to the OA hostel, or go directly to the OA hostel.

9.00am Briefing DG representatives by Joon and Grace

9.15am Interaction between DG members and the OA children they are praying for. The children will be seated according to DG groups, together with the respective DG members. The children will be given empty Christmas cards. They will write the name of the DG member praying for them and decorate the card. DG members will assist the children.

10.00am Sing praises by Pastor Aaron Liu

10.15am Message and prayer by Pastor Teoh Lee Ying

10.30am Present Christmas gifts to the children by DG representatives

11.00am Refreshments/End

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year !