Sunday, June 18, 2023

2023 Jun 17 th Sat Celebrating Unity and Cultural Richness

The 2023 International Traditional Chinese Culture Day

We stand in awe and gratitude as we commemorate a truly memorable day, one that brought together the celebration of Fathers' Day, the auspicious and the exceptional Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival. It was an honor to gather at Lucky Palace Restaurant in Ayer Keroh, Melaka, surrounded by esteemed leaders, passionate volunteers, and a community united in cultural appreciation.

The day began with a burst of energy as we embarked on the preparation of 2,000 delectable "Bak Chang." Wrapping and cooking these traditional rice dumplings was not merely a culinary exercise but an act that showcased the meticulousness and dedication of our community. Led by our beloved MP of Ayer Keroh, YB Mr. Kerk, we distributed these savory delights to our neighborhood, spreading joy and cultural significance.

The opening ceremony, graced by the esteemed Chief Minister, YAB Datuk Seri Rauf Bin Yusof, set the stage for a day filled with enchantment. The Traditional Chinese Cultural Association of Melaka, the event's organizer, displayed their commitment and passion for preserving the Chinese cultural heritage. Our heartfelt appreciation extends to Lucky Palace Restaurant and all the sponsors for their invaluable support.

A sumptuous lunch awaited us, accompanied by captivating cultural performances. The mesmerizing Dragon dances enraptured our senses, their vibrant movements symbolizing strength, fortune, and unity. The "Bian Mian" or Changing Face performances dazzled the audience, leaving us in awe of the skill and artistry behind this centuries-old tradition.

As the Chief Minister delivered his inspiring speech, we were enlightened, reminded of the importance of cultural unity and the richness it brings to our society. This celebration was a testament to the profound impact that cultural events have in fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation among diverse communities.

The Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival of 2023 concluded with heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgment. A session of photography captured the cherished memories we created together, forever immortalizing this remarkable day. Awards were presented to the leaders and organizers who dedicated their time and effort to make this event a resounding success. Their commitment and hard work have left an indelible mark on the hearts of the community.

We are deeply grateful for all the contributors and our esteemed leaders who have shown unwavering commitment and dedication. Melaka is truly fortunate to have leaders who embody the spirit and essence of the residents they serve. We raise our voices in a resounding cheer, wishing them good health and a long reign, as they continue to inspire and lead with their hearts.

Today, we express our profound gratitude for the privilege of celebrating this auspicious event together. It serves as a testament to the power of unity, cultural preservation, and the unwavering commitment of our leaders and community members. We cherish the memories and experiences shared during this celebration and hold them close to our hearts as a reminder of the strength and beauty that arises from embracing our diverse heritage.

As we reflect upon the 2023 International Chinese Culture Day, let us carry the spirit of unity, gratitude, and cultural appreciation with us. May this event inspire us to continue nurturing the rich tapestry of our diverse community, fostering understanding, and embracing the traditions that bind us.

Poem on "Bak Chang":

Wrapped in bamboo leaves, a savory surprise,

Bak Chang's aroma fills the skies.

Steamed with care, a culinary delight,

Each bite transports us to a taste bud's flight.

Glutinous rice, a tender embrace,

Enveloped by flavors, a symphony of taste.

Meat and spices, a harmonious blend,

With every morsel, memories descend.

Generations past, their hands at play,

Preserving traditions, a timeless array.

A gift of love, from ancestors old,

The tales they tell, in each fold.

From kitchen hearths to dining tables,

A treasure shared, a family fable.

With nimble fingers, the art unfurls,

Crafting parcels, their stories twirls.

Oh, Bak Chang, a culinary treasure,

A symbol of heritage, a taste to measure.

In every bite, we savor the past,

A connection to roots that forever last.

    Bak Chang's  Ingredients, Meat, Mushroom, Chestnut, White bean, and Rice with Spices.

Poem on "Bian Mian" (Changing Face):

Masks of mystery, a captivating dance,

Bian Mian, enchanting us at a glance.

Faces concealed, a secret to behold,

In rapid succession, stories unfold.

With a swift flick, colors transform,

Emotions hidden, behind each norm.

Expressions change, like the shifting tide,

A mesmerizing performance, a wondrous ride.

Bian Mian, a glimpse into the soul,

Embodying characters, each with a role.

A master's skill, an artistry profound,

Faces changing, without a sound.

Through layers and layers, emotions unveil,

The mask's allure, a tale to prevail.

In fluid motion, the masks express,

A tapestry of emotions, no words can impress.

Lions Dance and Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival 2023:

Amidst cheers and drums, the lions prance,

In rhythmic harmony, they commence.

Their mighty roars echo far and wide,

Awakening spirits, filling us with pride.

With vibrant colors, they come alive,

Symbols of luck, blessings they derive.

Graceful movements, a spectacle to see,

Unifying hearts, a spirit wild and free.

In the Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival's embrace,

Diverse traditions find their rightful place.

A tapestry woven, of heritage and art,

We celebrate unity, with every part.

From Bak Chang's embrace to Bian Mian's grace,

And the Lions Dance's powerful chase,

We honor the past and embrace the new,

Cultural unity, a cherished value we pursue.

In this grand celebration, together we stand,

United by culture, hand in hand.

With gratitude and joy, our hearts do swell,

For the richness of traditions, we proudly tell.

The 2023 International Chinese Culture Day,

A day of unity, where memories will stay.

We thank our leaders, contributors, and more,

For a celebration that our hearts adore.

May the spirit of cultural appreciation live on,

In the hearts of many, from dusk till dawn.

Let us continue to cherish and embrace,

The beauty of diversity, with love and grace.

As the curtains draw close on the Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival of 2023,

We are left with memories and gratitude that will forever be a part of our story.

In the hallowed halls of Lucky Palace Restaurant, Ayer Keroh, Melaka,

We gathered to celebrate, united in the richness of our cultural tapestry.

From the early hours of the day, the aroma of "Bak Chang" filled the air,

As volunteers wrapped and cooked with utmost care.

The beloved MP of Ayer Keroh, YB Mr. Kerk, led the way,

Distributing these delectable delights, spreading joy throughout the day.

The momentous occasion truly began with the opening ceremony,

Graced by the presence of Chief Minister YAB Datuk Seri Rauf Bin Yusof, so honorary.

The Traditional Chinese Cultural Association of Melaka, our guiding force,

Together with sponsors and volunteers, set the stage for a day of cultural discourse.

A sumptuous lunch awaited, a feast fit for kings,

Accompanied by the mesmerizing Dragon dances, their movements with power it brings.

"Bian Mian" or Changing Face performances added to the spectacle,

As faces transformed, leaving us in awe and making our spirits tickle.

Honorable guests and audiences alike were captivated by the Chief Minister's speech,

Enlightening us with his words, reminding us of cultural unity within reach.

And as the carnival reached its crescendo, with photographing sessions and awards,

We acknowledged the leaders and organizers, their dedication never goes untoward.

Gratitude fills our hearts for all the contributors, sponsors, and volunteers,

Whose unwavering commitment and hard work made this event a success, so clear.

Melaka is truly blessed to have leaders with the heart of the residents,

Their unwavering support and passion show us their true essence.

We raise our voices in cheer, wishing them good health and reign,

For their contributions have brought our community together, with no refrain.

The 2023 International Chinese Culture Day, a celebration of unity and inspiration,

A testament to the power of cultural appreciation and collaboration.

In this auspicious event, we stand united, hand in hand,

Grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our heritage, across the land.

Let us carry the spirit of this day, forever in our hearts,

Embracing diversity, preserving traditions, and playing our parts.

As the echoes of the carnival fade away,

The memories we hold dear will forever stay.

We express our gratitude and honor with pride,

For the privilege to celebrate, side by side.

The Traditional Chinese Cultural Carnival of 2023,

A moment of unity, cultural enrichment, and glory.

With deep appreciation, we bid farewell,

Until we gather again, our stories to tell.

    Awarding the leaders for their contributions and efforts.

    Chief Minister enjoying every moment ....

    Volunteers working hard to meet the targets for the celebration.

    Lunch with Angie, Sherry Lim, Christine Ho.

  Volunteers with  Ayer Keroh, Melaka, MP YB Kerk

Friday, June 09, 2023

Happy Father's Day

 Celebrating Fatherhood: The History and Traditions of Father's Day


Happy Father's Day is an occasion dedicated to honoring and celebrating fathers, paternal bonds, and the positive influence they have on their families and society. This special day has a rich history that spans over a century and has evolved into a global celebration. Let's delve into the origins of Father's Day, how it started, and the various ways it has been celebrated throughout history.

Origins of Father's Day:

The exact origins of Father's Day are somewhat disputed, as there are multiple theories regarding its beginnings. One of the earliest records of honoring fathers dates back to ancient Babylon, where a young boy named Elmesu carved a Father's Day message on a clay tablet over 4,000 years ago. However, the modern concept of Father's Day emerged in the early 20th century in the United States.

The Birth of Father's Day in the United States:

The credit for the establishment of Father's Day as an official holiday goes to Sonora Smart Dodd. Inspired by Mother's Day, she sought to create a day dedicated to fathers as well. In 1909, Dodd's efforts bore fruit when she celebrated the first Father's Day in Spokane, Washington. This event was held on June 19th to coincide with her father's birthday, who was a Civil War veteran and had single-handedly raised six children after their mother passed away.

Recognition and Spread of Father's Day:

The initial celebration of Father's Day gained gradual popularity, with several states in the United States proclaiming it an official observance. However, it was not until 1972, during the presidency of Richard Nixon, that Father's Day became a national holiday in the United States. Beyond American borders, the idea of honoring fathers spread to various countries around the world, with each nation adopting its unique customs and dates to celebrate this occasion.

Global Celebration and Traditions:

Happy Father's Day is celebrated on different dates worldwide, often associated with historical or cultural significance. In most countries, including the United States, Happy Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. However, some countries commemorate it on different days. For instance, in Australia, Happy Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September, while in Russia, it falls on February 23rd, known as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The way Happy Father's Day is celebrated also varies across cultures. Common traditions include giving gifts, such as cards, tools, clothing, or gadgets, as tokens of appreciation. Special meals or outings with the family are often planned to honor fathers and spend quality time together. Additionally, community events, sports activities, and charity initiatives are organized to recognize the importance of fathers in society.

The Essence of Father's Day:

Happy Father's Day serves as an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for the love, support, and guidance fathers provide. It is a time to acknowledge the sacrifices made and the invaluable role fathers play in shaping the lives of their children. Beyond biological fathers, this day also celebrates father figures, stepfathers, grandfathers, and all those who fulfill the nurturing and mentoring roles in a child's life.


Happy Father's Day is a heartfelt celebration that acknowledges the contributions of fathers worldwide. From its modest beginnings in the United States to becoming a global observance, Happy Father's Day has become a significant occasion for expressing love, gratitude, and respect. Regardless of the date or cultural customs, the essence of Happy Father's Day remains constant—a day to honor and cherish the paternal bonds that enrich our lives. So, this Happy Father's Day, let's celebrate and acknowledge the fathers who have made a positive impact, shaping us into the individuals we are today.

In honor of Happy Father's Day, here's a heartfelt poem celebrating the amazing fathers who have made dreams and life wonderful:

To the Fathers Who Make Dreams Come True

With steady hands and hearts so true,

You guide us through life's great unknown.

You're the rock on which we stand,

A guiding light, our very own.

On this special day, we gather near,

To honor the fathers we hold dear.

For you have shaped our lives with care,

In every moment, always there.

In childhood days, you'd lift us high,

Teaching us to reach for the sky.

With laughter, games, and joyful cheer,

You made our dreams feel oh so near.

You taught us strength and how to fight,

To never give up, to seek the light.

You showed us what it means to be strong,

And that love can right every wrong.

Through thick and thin, you lend a hand,

A constant presence, a firm demand.

Your wisdom flows in every word,

With lessons shared, our spirits stirred.

You work so hard, both day and night,

Providing for us, a shining light.

Your sacrifices, often unseen,

Have made our lives a blessed dream.

You've wiped our tears, embraced our fears,

You've cheered us on throughout the years.

You've taught us kindness, empathy too,

To live with grace, in all we do.

So, on this day, we gather 'round,

To celebrate the love we've found.

To honor you, our fathers dear,

For all the joy you bring each year.

We raise a toast, with love and cheer,

To fathers who have brought us here.

For you are cherished, tried, and true,

We're grateful for the dreams you've made come true.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing fathers out there.!